The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1642 You have to train 12

Chapter 1642 You have to be trained once or twice

It's night, Songhe Hall in He Mansion.

The old lady leaned on a huge soft pillow and sat comfortably on the arhat couch.

"Does Jiaming have a reply?"

Elder Master He Hongjin sat on the huanghuali wood official hat chair with an unpredictable expression, knocked on the armrest casually, and said in a deep voice, "It is said that the dog was given to her by a hunter surnamed Zhang."


The old lady frowned.

"Could it be that the wolf was picked up from deep mountains and old forests?"

She guessed wildly, but she was frightened into a cold sweat, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, "That dog roared like a beast, it was very scary..."

She paused for a moment, her hands trembled imperceptibly, and her heart felt chills.

"How can people feel at ease with such a murderous thing in the mansion? We must find a way to clean it up..."

He Hongjin was noncommittal to what the old lady said.

It's just a dog, and it's not worth his troubles.

He instinctively felt that Orion surnamed Zhang was not an ordinary person, but he just didn't know what it was.

However, Jiaming said in the letter that the father and son left Yejia Village and did not know where they went.

In this way, he confirmed the guess in his heart that the father and son must have a background.

It turns out that Lao Ye's family still has such a relationship...

"Boss, what do you mean?"

The old lady chattered on and on for a long time, but He Hongjin never responded, so she was inevitably unhappy.

He Hongjin said indifferently, "It's just a big dog, it won't cause any serious trouble, and I heard that the dog has never bitten people on its own initiative, so it can't be easily dismissed."

The old lady choked, then snorted angrily.

It turned out that Dabai's roar not only frightened all the female family members, but also all the men and women in the mansion were shocked.

That dog howling somersault beast yes, that's shocking.

The thoughtful He Hongjin began to inquire about the origin of Dabai. In fact, he has lived for more than 40 years, and he has never heard of such a big dog.

Thus, He Jiaming, who was expelled from the mansion, received the first letter from his adoptive father. He was overjoyed with excitement, but after reading the contents of the letter, he was a little disappointed.

But it solved his long-standing confusion.

It turned out that there was a powerful big dog beside the woman, no wonder several calculations came to nothing.

He Jiaming felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. He wanted to know the origin of the dog more than anyone else, so he took advantage of the opportunity to ask the boy Asheng to find out, and wrote back to He Hongjin in the fastest time.

Both father and son are as cunning as foxes, and a lot can be guessed from a little news.

Subconsciously, they were all jealous of He Xiner, especially He Hongjin, who restrained his contempt a lot.

Originally, he was a machismo, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the intrigue between women, let alone take care of his daughter who popped up halfway.

Now I don't want to be too busy.

It's not worth falling out over a trivial matter, and I will need that girl in the future.

"That girl grew up in the countryside. She has a wild temper and bad manners. She has to be trained a little or two. But because she has a powerful dog, she doesn't pay attention to the rules of the house, and she doesn't care about me, my grandmother. In my eyes, I do my own thing and be free and undisciplined..."

He Hongjin smiled.

"How does mother want to train? Why did Lan'er go crazy and scold people that day? Mother's training is to use family law?"

The old lady's face froze.

"I see that Yin is stubborn and has his own ideas. If he is persecuted by high pressure, he may not tame him, but push him away completely."

He Hongjin was thoughtful and thoughtful, and his city was extremely deep. He didn't disdain the intrigue between women, but he saw it very clearly.

The old lady had hoped that he would come forward and teach He Xiner a lesson, first to suppress her arrogance, and then slowly grind against her.

The one who came back halfway can't be compared with the eldest daughter who grew up beside her. The eldest girl has really suffered a big loss. Isn't it right for him, a father, to come forward to uphold justice for her?
As a result, the son didn't cooperate at all.

(End of this chapter)

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