The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1652 A Gentleman Doesn't Care About the Internal Affairs

Chapter 1652 An Old Man Doesn't Care About the Internal Affairs

The Eldest Master He Hongjin has a strong aura, and he is usually unsmiling, but now he has a cold face, his eyes are eagle-eyed, and he doesn't say anything. He only glances at the second lady, and she shrinks her neck and pretends to be a quail in fright.

"Second brother, what's going on here? What's the proper way to make such a mess during a big festival?"

"Hey? Brother, why didn't you ask your own daughter, why did you refuse to save her? How did you disobey your elders? What's more,
How dare you scold me for my lack of virtue, how audacious you are!We must use family law, so that she can know

What are the rules. "

He Hongjin's heart moved slightly, but nothing appeared on his face. His eyes were dim, and he glanced at He Xiner faintly.

He said, "What did the fourth girl say?"

—— Fourth girl?

The corners of He Xin'er's lips curled slightly, and she sneered almost imperceptibly.

She took a step forward, and replied loudly, "Back to the elder, as soon as Xin'er called in, she was accused for no reason. She didn't know

What happened. "

——My lord?

He Hongjin frowned even deeper.

"Hey, I have a bad temper, and the stinky girl is really good at pretending. Chu'er and Qi'er have already said that you are the one who refuses to save you. See

Seeing that the two of them were singled out and bullied, they didn't care at all..."

"Lone? Being bullied?"

He Xiner chuckled, "Second Miss and Third Miss went out together today, bringing a total of more than a dozen maids with them, why are they called Luo

order?It's ridiculous that more than a dozen people are still called orders.

Also, what was the cause of the matter, and how did you get into a dispute with others?How did you get bullied?Miss two, Miss three

Miss, can you explain clearly?

Furthermore, what does it mean to refuse to save?

Has anyone ever asked me for help?Time, place, and witnesses? "

He Xin'er, who was caught in the storm, always had a clear face, neither humble nor overbearing, her eyes were clear, calm and clear, looking at He Chuer and He Qier who had forgotten to cry, "Second Miss and Third Miss are here If you suffered a loss outside, it is up to the elders to come forward to decide for you and seek justice, but the two of you did not go to outsiders to settle accounts, but instead pointed the finger at me, thinking that I was the one who beat them. This is a typical nest Horizontal."

Eldest Master He Hongjin raised his brows lightly, perhaps a little surprised, he took a deep look at He Xiner with complicated eyes, but the other party didn't look at him at all.

The young master He Jiaheng said in a deep voice, "What do the second and third sisters say?"

He Chu'er almost gnawed his silver teeth into pieces, and He Qier was so annoyed that she couldn't hold back her teeth.

Even the old lady was about to die of anger, she wanted to take advantage of this incident, to make a head start, punish her by kneeling first, and then teach her family law, make her look ashamed in front of the whole family, and see how stubborn she will be in the future.

As long as you lose your temper, it will be easy to handle in the future. In the end, you are just a yellow-haired girl, and it is impossible to turn out the palm of her hand.

Hmph, if she couldn't restrain herself and called out to that big dog, she would just get rid of that dog together.

But no matter how powerful an animal is, there is always a way to deal with it.

Before Kong's secret poisoning failed, the old lady added it up. If the secret failed, she had to find a legitimate reason to get rid of it.

She couldn't believe it, there were so many strong servants in the mansion that even a dog couldn't take care of them.

The old lady's little plan was buzzing, but it came to nothing again.

She originally thought of a yellow-haired girl, no matter how calm her temper was, she couldn't stand the anger of her second child and her, so she gave in first in panic, then the next thing would be easy, but this dead thing is very hard-boned , and now she even had the opportunity to question her on the spot, this, this completely deviated from her plan, and she was so pissed off!
The second master, He Hongzhang, saw He Jiaheng helping He Xiner when he spoke, and was rather dissatisfied, "Jiaheng should not meddle in the matters of the girls, a gentleman should not take care of the internal affairs."

He Xiner laughed out loud~
(End of this chapter)

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