The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1654 Everyone Knows Well

Chapter 1654 Everyone Knows Well
He Jiaheng opened his eyes, and asked in surprise, "Second sister and third sister mean that it is not counted to beat people with more than ten maidservants, but also fourth sister to help you fight with dogs?"

He Xiner almost laughed out loud again.

But He Chuer and He Qier were so bloated that their faces turned purple, and they were too choked to speak.

The second master, He Hongzhang, became unhappy, and scolded in a deep voice, "Jia Heng's words are wrong. My family has suffered a loss, so shouldn't I help? I think the fourth girl is trying to play tricks."

He Xiner is convinced, who are these people, they don't want any face.

"Wei Yu, tell everyone what we have done."


Wei Yu is clever and articulate, so let's start from the beginning, they have been to the Wanfu Silver Building, but they didn't see anyone fighting, and then they went shopping and eating.

I can't say why, but Wei Yu just knew what Miss meant, so she purposely explained in detail and vividly the story of eating from the street to the end of the street, from fried sugar cakes to stinky tofu, which made the faces of the people in the room look subtle.

The second master couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted, "Shut up! Whoever wants to listen to you say this, I will ask you, but did you see the second and third misses fighting with others?"

"No, when we left, Wanfuyin was full of shoppers, and the business was booming, and no one was arguing."

Wei Yu firmly insists that she has never met the second and third misses.

He Xin'er said quietly, "Second Master, if you don't believe me, you can go to the Wanfu Silver Building to check. We took Dabai with us, and the waiter will remember clearly. When we left, there was no one fighting in the Wanfu Silver Building. Just ask." .”

She was right, there was no fight at the time.

Anyway, she would not admit that she saw those two things.

He Chuer and the two were actually not sure whether she had seen her or not. Now that she brought out the waiter as a witness, she couldn't refute it for a while, and was a little dumbfounded.

"Second sister and third sister argue with others first, and then fight later. They don't care about the reputation of the girls in the boudoir, or the reputation of the He family. Let the elders in the family punish the fourth younger sister, their hearts will be punished!"

Although He Jiaheng is the eldest son of a concubine, he has been valued by the Elder since he was a child. Since He Jiaming's honored son-in-law is here, although his status is not as good as before, he is the first son after all, and the Elder has not treated him badly.

Now that his son is gone, he is the pillar of the eldest house and in charge of the most profitable restaurant in the house. His status is no lower than the two sons of the second house.

Now he is full of aura, accusing him righteously, not to mention He Chuer and He Qier, even the old lady feels her face is hot.

Everyone knew which elder would punish He Xiner.

The second master couldn't find a reason to refute for a while, and wanted to mess around, but the old lady was able to Zhang Nengchi, endured the embarrassment on her face, and shouted in a deep voice, "Second girl, third girl, why don't you apologize to fourth girl?"

He Chuer and He Qier's faces were swollen and purple, they were both ashamed and hated, they were both a little dizzy and in a trance, they didn't know how to get up, their lips were trembling, and they were apologetic. Lost face, extremely embarrassed.

After making a fuss for a long time, he didn't step on He Xiner, but she was ashamed and ashamed and angry.

The second master, He Hongzhang, was not ashamed or ashamed, he didn't have that self-consciousness at all, he wanted to step on the face of the big house, but he didn't succeed, so he couldn't help being annoyed, but the old lady had already spoken, and if he continued to make trouble, it seemed to be against the old lady , no matter how unwilling it is, I have no choice but to give up.

Eldest Master He Hongjin didn't talk much, but his attitude was obvious. He was still a bit apprehensive, so he acquiesced to the matter.

Putting on airs, the old lady taught He Chuer and He Qier a lesson, and punished them to write "Women's Precepts" and "Internal Training" ten times each.

(End of this chapter)

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