The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1667 Seeing you in one day is like three autumns apart

Chapter 1667 Seeing you in one day is like every three autumns

Back at their home, his empty heart finally settled down, knowing that she was there, Ye Xusheng felt very at ease.

Rinse it off as fast as possible, paused for a moment with the hand reaching for the narrow-sleeved casual clothes, changed direction, took a pine and frost green wide-sleeved brocade dress, put it in a high bun, and put on the green and white jade Ruyi hollowed-out jade crown, and finally felt comfortable. , touched his beating heart, and went to see his little girl.

He walked lightly into the hall, but there was still no one there. His eyes were soft and tender, and the corners of his lips were happily drawn. The little girl is playing hide and seek with him~
As a result, the movements under his feet became more and more gentle, and he slowly raised the brocade soft curtain embroidered with exquisite white magnolia patterns, and a slim figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Ye Xusheng's breath was suffocated, and his heart beat wildly.

A cardamom girl with picturesque features, wearing a moon-white bird fairy dress with wide sleeves, loosely holding a light and smokey moon-white organdy gauze drape, graceful and elegant~
White porcelain skin, delicate eyebrows, straight nose, pink lips...

The exquisite makeup outlines her picturesque face, which is pure and charming, and the cloudy temples, pink pearls and pearls on her hair make her more ethereal and elegant~
Qiu Shui's eyes sparkled, and the bright girl smiled, "Brother, it's like three autumns if we don't see each other every day."

The room was quiet and fragrant, and he felt that he was drunk, drunk in the charming fragrance, drunk in her flowery smile~
The clear and bright young man has long been obsessed with it, his eyes are almost obsessed, soft as spring water.

It wasn't until the girl's voice broke the peace of the room that he woke up slowly. She said that seeing each other every day was like three autumns, and there was a pop in his head like fireworks blooming, brilliant and dazzling.

His heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his chest, and his love was surging and unrestrained, like the roar of a mountain torrent, shaking his heart.

Lifting his feet slowly, he walked towards the smiling girl, his heart beating more and more, he approached slowly, approached slowly~
Gently caressing her delicate cheeks, smooth and soft, tender and jade-like, he couldn't put it down, his hot fingertips brushed her lips, his throat rolled, and his voice was hoarse, "Xin'er is so beautiful~"

He Xiner looked at him shyly and timidly, with tenderness and tenderness, while Ye Xusheng looked at her obsessively, bowing his head slightly...

She suddenly stood on tiptoe and put her arms around his neck, and kissed his lips with her small face up.

Ye Xusheng froze for an instant, his mind went blank!
Xin Er took the initiative to kiss him!

Crazy joy overwhelmed him like a tide, happiness came too suddenly, his heart trembled and his breathing became disordered. .

His little girl, his little girl, his baby took the initiative to kiss him!
At the moment when his heart was in a turmoil, he finally came back to his senses, and immediately turned his back on the guest, hugged the girl's slender waist tightly, and kissed like crazy...

After a long time, he panted lightly to end the long passionate kiss, bent down and hugged her to the bed, her complicated and exquisite skirt spread out, like a huge group of water lilies blooming on the bed, amazed Qing Jun Shu Lang young man.

The girl's pretty face was blushing, her eyebrows were like silk, she looked at him shyly and timidly, the deep affection permeated in the corners of her eyes and brows, and also permeated in his heart~
Ye Xusheng only hesitated for a moment, then quickly took off his outer shirt, put on only a snow-white jacket, lowered her forehead lightly, and whispered in a hoarse voice, "Xin'er is the little fairy of big brother~"

The lobby brother said she was a little fairy~
The joyful girl, with pink bubbles popping from the bottom of her heart, was sweet and shy, her eyes were full of eyes and she was embarrassed to meet him.

Ye Xusheng lowered his head and lightly pecked at her eyebrows, eyes and cheeks, his hands slightly trembling, caressed her slender waist, and slowly, slowly untied the belt embroidered with golden bird feathers...

The complicated and exquisite dress was taken off, and the girl with only the pure white main waist and underpants could see her exquisite and graceful figure at a glance.

The last light of the setting sun shines through the light blue bamboo curtains, jumping softly on the swaying pink curtains, the room is charming~
(End of this chapter)

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