The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 167 Big bone soybean soup

Chapter 167 Big bone soybean soup

The two Ye Laibao brothers looked at each other, and quickly left the main room.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

"You don't have to worry about that, it has nothing to do with you when the kids start to fight."

Ye Dahai exhaled two puffs of thick smoke, "Don't keep staring at the person in that room, it's too eye-catching."

"But that silver..."

Lao Ma Qian was in a hurry immediately.

"Who told you to fight with someone again?"

Ye Dahai was so pissed off by this stupid woman!

"I'm not angry"

Glancing at her coldly, Ye Dahai said, "Listen to me, don't hang around the people in that room these two days, be careful not to be seen by others."

"But those eight taels of silver..."

"Don't worry about it. When I have time, I will go around the village and the mountains and find a reliable way to do it."

Ye Dahai's face was ruthless, not only for eight taels of silver, but also for embarrassing the people in that room!

In addition, the three grandsons are not easy to deal with a scholar who is powerless!
If you hold on to that kid, you will be able to get the big house's money...

The scheming Ye Dahai made a lot of calculations~

That afternoon, Old Qian ordered He Xiner to make bone soup. Even if her father didn't brag about it, she planned to make it, otherwise her aunt would not be able to drink it.

There was nothing wrong, He Xiner was ready to open it early, the bones had already been broken into several pieces, she washed the bones first, put them in a pot to boil, poured out the pot of water, and boiled it again.

Put hard firewood and let it burn by itself, add star anise, pepper, green onion, ginger, coarse salt, and cover the pot.

The soybeans just harvested in the past two days are still drying on the grass mat in the backyard, and the warehouse is confiscated.

He Xiner directly filled a small half of the basin with a basin, picked out small stones and dirt, scooped up water and washed it three times to make sure it was clean, then poured it into the pot, and continued to cook over low heat.

Originally, soybeans should be soaked for several hours first, but now there is no rush to soak them, so we have to add more water and cook for more time.

The two leg bones are quite big, but there is not even a trace of meat. Adding some soybeans is not only nutritious, but also full. If the aunt does not cook other dishes, drinking bone soybean soup and eating a steamed bun is not bad.

The small firewood at home is now picked up by Ye Dani, but the hard firewood is the dead tree that uncle and father cut down on the mountain, and they are dragged home and chopped into small pieces for easy use.

There was a big stack piled up in the shed outside the kitchen, so her grandma didn't bother about burning firewood.

He Xiner lit the fire from the stove, boiled another pot of water on the small stove, and went back to the house as quickly as possible to wipe her body.

After she finished washing, the firewood in the stove was almost exhausted, so she hurriedly put another piece of hard firewood on the fire, and washed the changed clothes.

Her father, mother, and the big brother told her not to go to the river, so she had to stay at home and do the laundry, but the backyard was full of soybeans, and she had to take the dirty water outside, which was a bit troublesome. This is also impossible.

A big pot of soup was full, and it had been simmering for two hours. He Xiner opened the lid of the pot and took a spoon to taste some of the soup.

Soybean soup with bones can nourish the brain and relieve fatigue. She remembers that in her previous life, there were children who had taken the college entrance examination at home, and many parents cooked soy soup for their children to nourish their brains.

Of course, what people make is not bones without meat, but pork ribs and soybeans, and there are also pig's trotters and soybeans.

It is said that pig's trotters and soy beans are also suitable for people who are in confinement, and they are very milky.

Hehe~ think far away~
Xiaoqian was instigated by her mother-in-law every day, and she was about to become a dog. How could she have the heart to make meals? The big girl is from every family, and she didn't wink at all, and the auntie is going to be busy, so you can't cook all the meals!"

Cooperating with her has been busy all afternoon and still has to be scolded?

Not wanting to be sulky, He Xiner said crisply, "Grandmother only made the soup, and didn't ask for anything else!"

"Oh, you damn girl, how dare you talk back!"

As Xiao Qian said, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to strike. How could He Xiner wait for her to hit her? She quickly took three or four steps back, leaving Xiao Qian in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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