The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1678 4 Young Master is too funny

Chapter 1678 Fourth young master is too funny

"No wonder people say that big goose can also take care of the nursing home. It turns out that it is so powerful."

In the small yard, He Jiajie was running, and the big white goose was chasing them. The four little servants chased them and tried to catch them, but they always told them to escape from the encirclement and continued to chase He Jiajie. Exclaimed, the whole yard was in a mess.

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

It seems that the second young master gave her a pair of goose guards. Look at these powerful ones, the fourth young master was so frightened that his voice broke.

But, why does it feel so funny?
"Puchi~, Fourth Young Master is so funny, haha..."

He Xiner...

Luo Hua is careless, and she is not afraid that the fourth young master will take your revenge.

However, she couldn't hold back anymore, "Hahaha——"

Teased by the so-so middle-school boy who was in a state of distress at this time, He Xiner laughed so hard that her branches trembled and she fell forward and backward.

"Fourth, fourth sister, hurry up, get someone to catch these two vicious geese!"

He Jiajie was so exhausted that he was out of breath, sweating profusely, and almost couldn't hold on anymore.

In the end, it was Tan Pozi who took three shots to restrain the vicious big white goose. He Jiajie, who was finally free, was so tired that he couldn't stand, and he just slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

He Xiner felt a little sorry, and this person looked a little miserable.

"Fourth sister, we have agreed to let Dabai and me spend the day tomorrow."

He Xiner...

This one is really persistent, exhausted to such a virtue, and still has the energy to figure it out.

"You have two fierce geese looking after the nursing home. It's okay if Dabai is not here. Fourth brother promises you that he will come back early, okay?"

"Ming'er, the fourth brother has made an appointment with the brothers. If you don't take Dabai with you, you will lose your life. The fourth sister will help you this time, and I will buy you a face to show your gratitude, okay?"

Seeing that He Xin'er didn't speak, He Jiajie couldn't help feeling anxious, he promised and you coaxed him, and he also had a dog-legged smile on his face, really eye-catching.

"Let me ask you, is school dismissed early today?"

"How can it be, brother, he came back early because he was afraid that you would not be at home."

Knowing this was the case, a smile flashed across He Xiner's eyes, and she said, "What are you in such a hurry for? Let's talk about it tomorrow morning. If you skip class for such a trivial matter, be careful, Master will beat you with a ruler."

"Brother, aren't you afraid that you won't be home tomorrow morning? As for the master wanting to beat the young master, it's not that easy."

He Jiajie finally caught his breath, motioned for the boy to pull him up, waved his hand impatiently when he stood still, and shouted in a rough voice, "They are all rubbish, they can't even catch two geese, little boy!" What is the use of raising you?"

The boy bowed his head and stepped back.

If it wasn't for the goose raised by Miss Fourth, they would have dealt with it long ago, but who would dare to hurt the pet raised by Miss Si under the nose of Big White.

Now look at Dabai's good temper, if he accidentally provokes him, it's no joke.

This guy's temper is so outrageous, He Xiner was slandering the eldest young master, He Jiajie came over, almost face to face with her. Let it go, and immediately posted it again, "I said fourth sister, tell me, what do you do every afternoon?"

For several days in succession, he returned home after school to look for Dabai, but unfortunately he never saw it.

He Xiner looked at him fixedly, with a half-smile, "Fourth young master really want to know?"

"Why is it called the fourth young master again? It's called Brother Jie. It's the same as my group of brothers, and it still seems close."

He Jiajie muttered dissatisfiedly, then blinked and blinked, his voice became much quieter, "I don't want to care about you, I am afraid that you will be cheated, you are a flowery little girl, and you don't have a confidant or friend. What should I do if I encounter bad people outside?"

She never expected that the second year boy would have such a heart-warming side, and a strange feeling crossed her heart. Speaking of which, they are real cousins.

(End of this chapter)

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