Chapter 1684 I regret it now
Playing with the jade pendant, she knew that these young masters like to wear jade pendants, not only for decoration, but also to show their status.

Why didn't I think of buying a jade pendant for the hall brother? It's really inappropriate.

The students of Qingyun Academy, there are many rich young masters, and the lobby brother is always simple and low-key. I don't know if he is excluded in the academy.

"How much silver is this jade pendant worth?"

He Jiajie saw how rare she looked, so he didn't think too much about it, and replied casually, "This is the best suet white jade, and it can be worth 500 taels."

Speaking of it, the He Mansion is really rich, and its business is not limited to Lin'an County. There are Zhuangzi and shops in several nearby prefectures, and the business layout is quite large.

Although the second master, He Hongzhang, doesn't care about things, he doesn't delay his spending. The old lady protects him eccentrically. The life of the second room is no worse than that of the first room. But there are quite a lot of items, and most of them were pawned and used up by him. Because the jade pendant was a birthday gift and it was a conspicuous item, he didn't enter the shop.

Giving away something worth 500 taels is really a prodigal.

He Xiner raised her arms flat, her fists down, "Continue."

Before he finished speaking, he let go of the jade pendant. He Jiajie was afraid that the jade pendant would fall to the ground, so he hurriedly caught it with both hands, and couldn't help but mutter, "Be careful, if it breaks, it will be worthless."

He Xiner ignored him and walked inside. Seeing this, He Jiajie quickly followed, "Fourth sister really don't want it? This peace jade pendant can be worn by both men and women..."


"Oh, all right then."

With a grin, he carefully fastened the jade pendant, took another two steps quickly, and said, "Fourth Brother took Dabai away, and he will be back before dark. Fourth Younger Sister Qingguan puts her heart in her stomach."

"Before you time."


He Jiajie's voice was a little lost, and then he rolled his eyeballs, with a mean smile on his face, he laughed to himself before he could speak, and said after laughing enough, "Fourth sister, when you go out to play, you should take that Take the two geese with you, with them, no one will dare to bully you."

He Xiner...

"I regret it now—"

"What, brother, go first, come back and bring delicious food for the fourth sister!"

Afraid of her repentance, He Jiajie slipped away immediately, and of course he didn't forget Dabai, good guy, he was hugged and hugged, he just missed a kiss, which made Dabai disgusted, got up and flew out proudly, scaring him Wow, yelled and chased after him, "Dabai wait for brother! Wait for brother! Bai Ye, Bai Ye..."

A row of servants and servants followed closely behind, running so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He Xiner stroked her forehead.

This was not the backyard she had imagined.

Although the cousin is not strictly a foreigner, but this one is too casual, and it is really careless to run into her yard with a bunch of servants.


He Xiner turned her head to look, and saw the two snow-white geese walking towards her with their heads held high, stretching out their long necks, walking unhurriedly, with an elegant and calm posture, quite imposing .

A vivid picture immediately appeared in her mind. She and the big brother walked in front hand in hand, and two big white geese guarded them, and they followed behind aggressively. provoke……

The picture was so beautiful that He Xiner couldn't help shaking.

"Miss, are you cold?"

"Oh, go find a narrow-sleeved jacket and skirt, I want to change into it. The wide sleeves blow the wind away."

He Xiner didn't change her face, she just found an excuse and dismissed Luo Hua.

Well, it's too inconvenient to wear a wide-sleeved shirt when going mountain climbing.

Putting on simple and neat clothes, taking off the beaded hairpin on her head, combing a simple double bun, putting on light deerskin boots, applying a little powder, lightly brushing the moth eyebrows, the charming girl with red lips and white teeth, her temperament has changed drastically. Fresh and crisp, heroic, like a little heroine who was born in martial arts.

After bidding farewell to the maidservants who were eagerly looking forward to carrying her along, they left the He residence in a leisurely manner.

(End of this chapter)

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