Chapter 1701 Ordinary friends

In the small alley not far from the side entrance of He Mansion, He Xiner stood opposite Chen Xing with Dabai.

"I remember that Big Brother Chen has a contract with the Escort Bureau. Isn't it too late? Even though the Escort Master is working hard, he is more decent than a servant. Your family is not short of money, and you have real skills. Why do you want to be a servant?"

"I, I don't worry about you being alone in He Mansion, I want to protect you."

At the beginning of the month at this time, there was no moon, and the distant sky was as dark as splashed ink.

The distance between the two was less than thirty feet, and He Xiner could hardly see his face clearly, but his eyes were shining brightly at the moment, and he looked at her intently, as if he had a thousand words to say.

She already had a faint guess, but after hearing him say it, she still couldn't help but sigh, "Why are you bothering? You are a strong man. In order to support your family, you practice martial arts and walk darts. You have suffered so much, but you have not suppressed you." Why should you despise yourself and be a servant without personal freedom?"

"To see you."

The very flat tone concealed his inner excitement.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, I have Dabai by my side, there is no danger."

After a short pause, she said again, "Tomorrow I will go to the eldest young master and ask him to return the deed of sale to you..."

"No, no, there is no contract of sale."

"Oh, that's easy, I'll go and tell him..."

"Miss Ye——Miss Guan, I did it voluntarily."

"What about your Escort contract?"

This person is a stubborn person, he likes to be on the edge of his horns, he is like this emotionally, and he is also like this when doing things, He Xiner has a headache.

"I went on a trip some time ago, but I didn't get paid, so I terminated the contract with the bodyguard."

The actual situation is that he risked his life and changed his free body in order to propose marriage to Lao Ye's family again, but who knew that when he came back from another place, he heard that she had returned to He's mansion, and he almost collapsed at that time.

It turned out that she was the young lady of a rich family in the county, and he knew that his wish would be difficult to realize.

After learning from the pain, he thought, even if he can't marry her, it would be good to see her all the time, so he has the identity of the young master and servant.

He said it lightly, but He Xiner knew it was not that simple, so she couldn't help but feel distressed, her tone changed, and she was full of concern, "You don't take your own life seriously, you are young, you will have a bright future , why would you risk your life just to break the contract? If you are lucky, you will come back in full. If you are unlucky and you hurt your arms and legs, it will be a lifetime event..."

No matter what, they are also from the same village, and there is some affection, and this person is honest, and he treats her...

Cough, in short, Chen Xing has been silently paying attention to and caring about her. Whether it is to support his family or propose a marriage to her, he has endured a lot of hardships and worked hard with his life. He Xiner still respects him as a man.

Unfortunately, she couldn't respond to emotional matters.

Can only be regarded as fellow villagers, um, ordinary friends.

She really wanted to untie him, don't go all the way to the dark, they are also people who should get married, don't let your temper do things, you should be more rational.

"Thank you Miss He for your concern, I'm fine, I'm fine..."

In the dark night, his eyes became brighter, so bright that He Xin'er's scalp tingled, this kind of infatuation really couldn't afford to hurt.

"Brother Chen, don't be self-willed anymore. You are the eldest son in the family, and you still have to support the family. How can you come to He's mansion to be a servant? You can listen to me and go home, get married and have children, and live a good life..."

Maybe it hit his sore spot, Chen Xing suddenly took a step forward and held her little hand, "I traded for freedom to propose another marriage..."

He Xiner was frightened, and hurriedly pulled her hand back, but he held it tightly, and couldn't help but panic, "Let go of me first..."

At this moment, a shadow approached quickly, and before Chen Xing could react, he cleverly waved his hand away.

"Big brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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