The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1705 It's not good to offend people for nothing

Chapter 1705 It's not good to offend people for nothing

When she was at Lao Ye's house, she had quite a lot of clothes, some made by her mother, some bought from a tailor shop, and some bought by her brother in the hall, some clothes were out of season before she had time to wear them, and they were brand new. Even the casual clothes that are worn the most are probably new.

As for the less worn cloak, it is as good as a new one.

There is no girl who doesn't like to buy new clothes, and He Xiner is the same. Whenever she goes shopping and sees a style she likes, she will buy it without hesitation. Because of this, she has more and more clothes, and she can't wear them.

She likes to go shopping with good friends and cousins, just for that feeling, what she likes is that feeling, to have fun and to be happy.

Now she has a lot of money in her hands, but she rarely goes shopping.

Ordinarily, the things in the county town are much more delicate and exquisite than those in Pingning Town, but she has no interest in wandering around.

It's boring to go shopping alone without good friends and cousins ​​around.

As for clothes, there is enough to wear, so there is no need to buy more.

Not listening to Luo Hua's nagging, He Xiner went straight to Songhe Hall with a slight rain.

"Miss Four is here."

The little maid in the corridor lifted the thick satin curtain embroidered with big peonies. He Xiner stepped over the threshold without rushing, walked slowly into the hall, bowed her head and saluted, "Xiner greets the old lady."

"Get up, good boy."

Same dialogue, nothing new.

"Miss Fourth, please sit down."

Now that He Xin'er's status is rising, without the old lady's orders, a little maid will bring an embroidered stool and put it under He Qier's head, and those who serve tea and snacks are all in good order.

He Xiner pursed her lips, and sat down calmly.

In fact, she couldn't stay for a moment, she just wanted to leave.

There is a smoker burning in the room, which makes the room warm, and the sandalwood is bursting out, warm and delicate, mellow and round, and the rich and fragrant breath lingers on the tip of the nose, making people feel refreshed and refreshed.

He Xiner took a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it leisurely.

Well, soft and glutinous sweet, fragrant and delicious, the taste is quite good~
"Mr. Jiang, let the girls hurry up and get your winter clothes ready. Let the people from Qianjinfang come to measure the size today. Well, let's make a set of gold jackets woven with flowers, ermine capes, and fox fur cloaks. be quick."

"Each person should add a set of pearl and jade stone tops. It should be suitable for the style worn by little girls, and it should be elegant and elegant."

The brocade handkerchief in the hand of the eldest young mistress Jiang was about to tear, and she felt so distressed that she was so distressed that it was a lot of money to buy all these things, and it was a waste of money~
"Yes, granddaughter-in-law has written it down."

No matter how distressed she was, she had to do it, Jiang shi endured the toothache, and responded respectfully with a gentle and virtuous appearance.

He Chuer and He Qier looked happy, especially He Qier, she always liked pearls, jade, tourmaline and other things, but she didn't have enough money, she couldn't afford them, now she's better, finally got her wish, can There is a whole set of pearl and jade stone noodles, and my heart blossoms with joy.

The second wife, Kong Shi, curled her lips quietly, and said lightly, "In the past, we may not have invited us to the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet in the Yongchang uncle's mansion, why did you think of us this year?"

"I don't know what the idea is. In the past, only the Chinese New Year can enter the gate of the uncle's house. The banquets on weekdays have never sent posts to our house."

"The honorable family of the uncle's mansion is full of officials and family members, and they pay attention to rules and etiquette. It's not that I talk too much. The fourth girl grew up in the countryside and doesn't understand the etiquette rules. It's not good to offend the nobles for nothing. gone."

He Xiner raised her eyebrows secretly, as if she said she was willing to go.

But, it's one thing not to want to go, another thing to be trampled on.

I am very upset!

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and was about to speak, when she heard the old lady say, "This reminds me, I will invite a teacher to come tomorrow, and the three girls will like to learn the rules and etiquette of the noble family."

He Xiner...

(End of this chapter)

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