The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1716 It's time for me to go

Chapter 1716 I Should Go Back

He Xiner slept soundly.

I am used to sleeping on my own hot kang with my cousin in my arms. In this cold weather, she is really not used to sleeping on the canopy bed alone. The pink pig's head is not as soft and warm as her cousin.

No matter how warm the smoker at the foot of the bed was, and no matter how thick the cotton mattress was, it was not as comfortable as lying on the warm kang head.

In her dream, she was sleeping in her bedroom, hugging a big pink panther, warm and comfortable, and the kang head under her body was hot, making her feel very comfortable.

so good~
Finally home!
Just where did my cousin go?

She was thinking in a daze, her eyes were so heavy that she couldn't open them, she yawned lazily and continued to sleep, well, the little ancestor must be playing hide and seek with her.

Too sleepy, go to bed first, and give her a surprise later.

He Xin'er in her sleep, with black eyebrows and vermilion lips, pink face and peach cheeks, jet-black hair, falling naturally like a waterfall, soft and smooth like fine silk, making her fair and tender face even more charming.

With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, Ye Xusheng couldn't stop the agitation in his heart, his body was tense and aching, it was really a sweet torture, the little girl in his arms had fat skin, slippery and soft, the faint fragrance of hibiscus lingered around the tip of his nose, he He was going to be crazy about it, if he wasn't afraid of waking her up, he would have turned into a wolf...

He Xiner woke up hot, hot, so hot, her embrace was hot.

embrace? !

Half asleep and half awake, she felt in a furnace-like embrace, surrounded by the elegant Su Hexiang, and his breath was so strong.

Eyes suddenly opened, the light is dim, the curtain is hazy~
She was a little confused, not knowing where she was.

In just one breath, she knew where she was, and the fiery chest behind her reminded her that this place was not a quiet and secluded place.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I actually fell asleep..."

The embrace immediately tightened, and the hot breath rushed towards her face. He Xiner realized belatedly that the eldest brother was naked to the waist, and she was not much better, only thin underpants and a main waist.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense~"

The voice of the person behind him was hoarse and charming, full of strong lust, extremely warm and ambiguous.

He Xiner's body was a little stiff.

Usually, the eldest brother has never made her feel agitated. Now, now that they are dressed like this and share the bed, the eldest brother is full of blood, so it's no wonder that he can bear it.

"Xiner, Xiner..."

Just when she was stunned, hot kisses fell densely on her beautiful and fair back, causing her heart to tremble wildly.

"Don't, don't, brother don't..."

With a trembling voice, she refused with little force.

The light in the tent was dim, and the drowsy person thought it was late at night, and was determined to rush back, a little afraid that he would delay his time, and was even more shy.

She didn't know that it was early morning, and it was about to dawn, but she knew it soon, and then she was stunned, she didn't return home at night.

"Don't be afraid, Dabai is going back." Ye Xusheng kissed her delicate and exquisite earballs, sucked gently, and murmured inarticulately.

It turned out that she was at ease.

But, but it's too wrong, the big brother is too wrong, "The big brother... woo..."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was gagged, and then he pried open his teeth and slid in, entangled with her tenderly, and at the same time his fiery palm moved upward from her slender waist...

The distraught Ye Xusheng was not completely out of control, the sky was about to brighten, he didn't dare to delay for too long, he tried his best to maintain the last sliver of reason, and stopped panting quickly.

His heart was beating wildly, and it was difficult to calm down for a while, he hugged the little girl tightly, smelling the quiet fragrance of hibiscus on her body, the expression in his eyes gradually cleared up.

"What time is it now? I should go back."

He Xiner covered her hot cheeks, and shyly refused to look at him. If she hadn't rushed back in a hurry, she, she would have been too embarrassed to speak.

Ye Xusheng got up at Yin time every day to practice martial arts. He has maintained the habit for many years and never stopped. He knows how to read the time in the dark night.

"Well, it's about time, the sky is about to brighten, I'll take you back."

(End of this chapter)

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