The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1718 What is he planning?

Chapter 1718 What is he planning?
As for the beautiful girl beside her, He Chuer thought to herself, thanks to her young age, she could not talk about marriage for the time being; No big family would want such a woman.

Neither of them took He Xiner seriously, and they didn't think that a wild girl who grew up in the countryside would steal their limelight.

He Qier quietly gave He Chuer a look, and then gave He Xiner a disdainful glance, which meant that it would be exciting to watch.

He Chuer winked at her, gloating at her misfortune clearly.

The old lady is personally supervising, hehe, someone is destined to make a fool of himself.

The food was set up quickly, a large table with dishes and bowls, crystal dumplings, fresh scallops, glutinous rice cake with lotus root starch, jujube paste rolls...

There are as many as seven or eight kinds of steamed stuffed bun dim sum, six light side dishes, plus three fresh duck and hibiscus chicken slices, two meat dishes, shredded chicken porridge, barley and red dates porridge, rock sugar lotus seed soup, fresh corn juice, and sour bamboo shoots and ham soup.

It seems that the old lady has long been prepared.

He Chu'er and He Qier became more and more determined in their own minds, and they couldn't help being a little proud, their faces were full of uncontrollable joy. If it wasn't for the rules of not talking when eating or sleeping, the two of them wished they could flatter the old lady to the point of go to heaven.

Without the old lady, it would be very difficult for them to marry into the uncle's house as the concubine daughters of merchants.

So they would please the old lady since they were young, and finally their hard work paid off. Now the opportunity is right in front of them. At critical moments, they have to rely on the old lady to be the master.

He Xiner didn't care how they flirted and made small gestures, she signaled to Xiao Yu to serve her a bowl of chicken porridge, and then she ate quietly with her head down.

The old lady glanced at the three of them quietly, and Nangong Han's handsome face appeared in her mind. The boy suddenly came to the county seat, and even invited the He family to the chrysanthemum banquet without warning. It is impossible to have no plans.

So, what is he planning?

The teaching mother's surname is Xu. It is said that she is very famous in the whole Qingzhou Prefecture. Many big families have invited her. The He family invited her urgently, and they invited her here with double the money.

In other words, the money came from the public, and Jiang Shi was almost heartbroken to death, but the old lady called the name and wanted this person, and she had no way to get away with it, so she could only take out real money.

So she thought, why can't she learn the rules when three little hooves can learn the rules?
The money for this invitation is still out of her hands, and she has to learn, not only to learn, but also to study hard.

She is now the mistress of the house, and she will attend many banquets in the future, and it is inevitable that she will interact with officials and family members, so she should learn official etiquette well.

Mrs. Jiang felt righteous and confident, and went back to her courtyard to grab two bites of food in a hurry, and then went to Songhe Hall with the wind under her feet. Unexpectedly, the second young lady, the third young lady, and the second wife were all there. Crying to learn the rules together.

The He family is a merchant. Except for the old lady, the rest of the women are from merchants, and they are still small-scale merchants. When they are not out of the cabinet, they rarely have the opportunity to interact with officials and family members.

Marrying into the He Mansion and having relatives from the Yongchang Uncle Mansion is very exciting. They all thought of making good friends with the female relatives of the Uncle Mansion in order to raise their own social status. Who would have thought that the two families are not close.

On weekdays, the two families seldom move around, and the female family members of the uncle's mansion have never set foot in the He family, and only the old lady and the eldest lady brought a few girls to the uncle's mansion to pay New Year's greetings.

The more this is the case, the more they yearn for the lofty Yongchang uncle's mansion, especially the second wife, who sees the grand lady going to the prefectural city and the uncle's mansion with cold eyes, she hates it so much.

Finally, God opened his eyes, and that bitch had no chance to stand out.

And it's her turn to have a decent relationship with the uncle's house, she is the second wife.

(End of this chapter)

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