Chapter 172 I Adore You So Much
He Xiner hugged Zhang Dongqiang's arm tightly, and staggered along with her feet, but the speed was too slow, like a snail crawling.

"Brother Zhang, do you know where the big brother is?"

"Did he go to that lake in the mountains?"

"Do you know that place too? The scenery there is beautiful!"

"Last time, my cousin took me there, and we still roasted rabbits there."

"Next time, I will ask my good friends to go together, they will definitely like it too"

"Do you want to come with us? My cousin dug a trap and often catches small animals. Let's have barbecue."

"Brother Zhang, are you classmates with the eldest brother?"

"Brother Zhang, isn't your father very powerful?"

"Brother Zhang, has your father ever beaten a tiger?"

"Ah~ By the way, are there tigers and wolves in this mountain?"

"If a pack of wolves appears at night, the two of us won't be enough for them to eat"

"No, the big hall brother has been up the mountain for so long, so there is no danger, right?"

"Brother, don't be eaten by wolves, woo~"

"Brother Zhang, let's hurry up!"

Zhang Dongqiang's brows were all wrinkled, so many questions, which one should I answer?
Hurry up, with your speed, it would be nice to find someone at dawn!
I really can't stand her nagging, anyway, I know her details, so I don't hide my clumsiness at all.

"Hold my waist tight, I'll take you away quickly"

Left and right is a little girl doll, isn't it?
I've hugged my arms for a long time, and it's not too late to touch a little bit.

Zhang Dongqiang, who had always shy away from women when he saw a woman, secretly found a reason for himself.


He Xiner is a little confused~
"I will take you away quickly, if you are afraid, close your eyes"

Zhang Dongqiang directly wrapped his left arm around her waist and ran quickly, only to see that the soles of his feet seemed to be pressed by springs, and after running a few steps, he jumped up and flew far away.

"Wow! Brother Zhang, can you do light work?"

Not only was He Xiner not afraid, she was also interested.

She was trying to jump up, but when she yelled at her, Zhang Dongqiang almost let out a sigh of relief and fell down. How did this girl get so bold again?
He hurriedly held his breath to stabilize his mind, and quickened the movement of his feet.

"Wow! So fast, I feel the wind blowing against my cheeks"

"Wow, Brother Zhang is so amazing!"

"Wow, Brother Zhang is a martial arts hero?"

It's not that He Xiner pretended to be innocent on purpose, but a sincere admiration!
After living for two lifetimes, can you not be excited to finally meet a martial arts master alive?

"I admire you so much, brother Zhang is a master of martial arts!"

At these words, Zhang Dongqiang almost let go of her and threw her away. He was so frightened that he quickly increased the strength of his hand, took a deep breath, and stabilized his body.

He Xiner didn't notice the danger at all, and she shouted excitedly, "Ah~ so fast~"

Knowing her temperament somewhat, Zhang Dongqiang stopped being distracted, and arrived at the lake in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Brother Zhang, do you often come here with the eldest brother? Are you so familiar?"

As soon as He Xiner was put down by him, she couldn't help but ask again.

Really being entangled by her, Zhang Dongqiang avoided her words and said, "Aren't you looking for your big brother?"

"Yes, yes, where is the big brother? You can't be here, right?"

He Xiner turned around in a hurry, this place is relatively empty, if the big brother is here, it will be easy to find.

"Big Brother, Big Brother"

There was no shadow of Ye Xusheng on the left or right, so He Xiner shouted again~
At this time, Ye Xusheng was holding his breath, his whole body was sinking into the water, he was feeling bored, aggrieved and contradictory, he didn't know how to vent it, the feeling that his body was about to explode could make him ignore the restlessness in his heart.

It's been a long time since running the mountain, and I'm exhausted, but I still don't want to go ashore.

In the dark night, Zhang Dongqiang, whose eyes were still sharp, could see something strange in the water, but he stood still, so let this silly boy toss a little more, he will come up when he has enough toss.

 Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the past like the wind~ the book coins rewarded by Qingzhu Youyun~ the book coins rewarded by the book friends ending in 7088~ the book coins rewarded by the book friends ending in 1745~ the book coins rewarded by the book friends ending in 5047 book coin~
  ah ah~~
  Reed loves you~~
(End of this chapter)

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