Chapter 1735 is so forgetful
Nangong Han's eyes were glued to the girl's face, and she instinctively felt that today she is more beautiful than the last time they met.

Last time, her clothes were simple, fresh and refreshing. Today, her clothes are exquisite, her makeup is bright and beautiful, and her whole temperament has changed.

If she was a spotless and pure water lily last time, then now she is a beautiful, charming and charming crabapple.

She perfectly blends pure and charming.

Pure as her, charming as her, it's all her.

He Xin'er, whose complexion was as snowy, wore a begonia red fairy dress with wide sleeves. She was indescribably charming and charming, deeply astonished Nangong Han.

It wasn't until the girl's crisp laughter came that he suddenly regained his senses.

"Cough, cough..."

He Jiajie, who is not stingy with things, is out of tune, he only cares about chatting with his beautiful sister, and completely forgets about him.

"Oh, fourth sister and fifth cousin are here too."

Nangong Hanxing is five years old, he is two years older than He Jiajie, and the two of them still have a good temper, so they have a good relationship.

On weekdays, He Jiajie seldom calls him Fifth Cousin, usually he calls him Cousin, which is more intimate.

Holding Dabai in her arms, He Xin'er was full of smiles, looked up, and saw Nangong Han watching her enter the gazebo with deep eyes.

The smile on her face is still the same. Of course she is happy to hug her big beloved pet. Her smile comes from the heart, bright and sweet; her eyes are as clear as blue waves, pure and agile; like a little fairy who has fallen into the world.

Nangong Han was dumbfounded.

"Hello fifth cousin."

Her voice is clear, like pearls on a plate, crisp and sweet.

Nangong Han immediately came back to his senses, gentle and calm, "Fourth cousin, you are welcome."

Looking down at the big snow-white dog nestled next to the girl, he chuckled and said, "Is this dog raised by my cousin?"

"Well, we grew up together."

Who would have thought that she would say such a thing, Nangong Han was slightly taken aback.

He Jiajie immediately laughed, "Understood, he is the younger brother of the fourth sister, hahaha——"

"It seems that the fourth cousin really treasures it."

Nangong Han is tall and tall, with a tall and handsome figure, with every gesture, he has the manners of a son of aristocratic family, he is as gentle as jade, humble and courteous.

Be a handsome young man with a modest heart.

He Xin'er's heart was as still as water when facing Mr. Ruyu, who was so bright and bright. She smiled brightly, as if she had acquiesced in what he said.

At this time, the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras is booming, and the banquet is about to begin.

As the host, Nangong Han naturally warmly invited the two of them to the table.

The folk customs of the Ming Dynasty were open, and young men and women did not have to avoid it, only the banquets were separated.

The pots of quiet and elegant chrysanthemums separated the world, and men and women looked at each other, each with a table, low futons, and had to sit on their knees.

He Xiner was really not used to it.

But under the eyes of all the sunflowers, it's not good to be too out of line, besides, she is wearing a light and elegant dress, if her legs are crossed, her posture will be invisible.

Even if you are not used to it, you have to get used to it.

On her left is He Qier, and on her right is the little girl from the Nangong family. As for her name, she forgot for a moment.

Well, that's how forgetful it is.

Nangong Ling, the daughter-in-law of the fourth room of the Nangong family, is the girl on He Xiner's right. She glanced across at the girl with picturesque features, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

Hmph, it's an insult to her that a country girl actually dares to attend the banquet in the uncle's house and sit on an equal footing with her.

And it's still at the top of her seat. This is the seat arranged by some blind thing, but it pissed her off.

Wait for Miss Ben to clean up the wild girls first, and then settle the account carefully.

He Xiner had already sensed the person on the right, staring at her unkindly.

She was surprised, she didn't provoke her, she didn't provoke her, her pair of tricks were about to stare, what kind of trouble was she trying to do?

Come on, just stare if you like, as long as she is not afraid of sore eyes.

After tossing and tossing for so long, she was already hungry, and now that the banquet is finally underway, the first priority is naturally to fill her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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