The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1737 It's all his fault for not thinking carefully

Chapter 1737 It's all his fault for not thinking carefully
He Xiner looked over, and saw that the other party was eager to watch the excitement, without any concealment, and his eyes were full of malice.

She was thoughtful.

Seeing her silence, Nangong Ling felt even more proud, "Look, I forgot that this is the first time for my cousins ​​to attend the chrysanthemum banquet, so I don't know the rules of the banquet."

Her voice was not too low, and He Qier turned her head to look over when she heard it, and the little girls around were obediently watching the play without making a sound.

She seemed to arouse the other party's curiosity on purpose, and then waited for the other party to ask questions. Unfortunately, He Xiner didn't cooperate with her, she gave a faint "oh", then looked away, and sipped tea.

Nangong Ling raised her chin, and when she was about to ask the reason, she slapped her face hard, but she just said "oh".

She felt that she had been underestimated, and she was so angry that her face turned red. She was about to ridicule a few words, but He Qier on the other end felt uncomfortable and asked anxiously, "Is there any rule that we don't know? I hope my cousin will let me know."

Just at this time, a burst of dense drums sounded, interrupting everyone's conversation. Everyone fell silent and looked over while looking for the drums.

In the open space in the middle, a stage was built at some time, covered with a bright red carpet, someone was beating drums in the middle, and a few young women in dance clothes with long sleeves were dancing lightly.

He Xiner pursed her lips and looked at the men's seat. He Jiajie was carrying Dabai, and the seat was relatively far back. The people in the front row blocked her view. From her angle, she could only see Dabai, not He Jiajie.

She scanned the front row of the men's table, and met Nangong Han's eyes unexpectedly. She couldn't see the emotion in the other's eyes, but she saw his expression froze, as if she wanted to explain.

When Nangong Han saw He Xiner for the first time, he was fascinated by her pure and ethereal temperament, and he never forgot her in his heart. He only felt that she was a different woman, clean, pure, innocent and beautiful.

See you again, the pure girl with picturesque features showed another kind of temperament, she is bright, charming and well-mannered.

The boy's heart throbbed quietly.

His mind was full of the girl's flowery smile and her bright and clear eyes.

Then, she didn't pay attention to the fact that she grew up in the countryside, so naturally she couldn't think of reminding her to prepare for talent.

Now when it comes to the selection of talented men and women, he is a little embarrassed.

Only then did I realize that she grew up in the countryside, so she must not be fluent in writing, let alone piano, chess and dancing.

The image of the girl as a perfect fairy in his mind showed a crack, like a white blemish with slight blemishes, a fly in the ointment.

He forced himself to ignore the trace of regret in his heart, thinking about how to find an excuse to help her pass this level.

He was also worried that He Xiner was thinking too much, so he subconsciously looked over, and met the girl Qing Lingling's eyes, and he was inexplicably guilty.

It's all because he didn't think carefully.

He knew that many of these so-called talented men and women had asked someone to write poems about chrysanthemums in advance, and they just memorized them by heart.

How many of them can compose poetry on the spot?

But, but now is not the time to think about that.

He had to think of an upright reason to get his fairy-like cousin away.


At this moment, the drums stopped and the dancing girl stepped down.

Then, without Nangong Ling proudly telling each other about the rules of the banquet, the sisters of the He family already knew about it.

For the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet, I wrote poems praising the nobility of chrysanthemums on the spot, otherwise it would not be able to show the elegant style of the Chrysanthemum Banquet.

It is not mandatory for everyone to be able to compose poems on the spot, and all kinds of talents in calligraphy, painting, piano and dance can be displayed.

Such banquets are all arty, imitating the aristocrats of the capital.

It's just that Qingzhou Prefecture is not as crowded as the capital's noble families, even the magistrates, co-prefects, and judges are not all from deep family backgrounds. half-time.

Naturally, the educational resources of the children in the family cannot be compared with those of the nobles in the capital, and male children may be the most important thing to cultivate.It is impossible for all women to be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy.

But it is still possible to write beautiful handwriting at worst.

(End of this chapter)

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