The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1742 This Is Your Upbringing

Chapter 1742 This Is Your Upbringing
Nangongqian frowned and said, "Seventh sister is a child, she speaks too straightforwardly, and she disgraces fourth cousin. It's really wrong. It's because we didn't greet well. I will apologize to cousin on behalf of seventh sister. Please forgive me, fourth cousin." Her this time."

"Yes, Seventh Sister is the little Jiaojiao whom the old lady loves the most. We sisters all have to stand back. Although Seventh Sister is a bit spoiled, she is still pure and lovely."

"Seventh Younger Sister is straightforward by nature, she never pretends to others, she always thinks of what is right, her temper is indeed easy to offend people, but with my uncle Yongchang's house covering her, who dares to say anything?"

"Seventh Sister is right. It's just that she doesn't know a single word, and she pretends to come to the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet. She clearly has ulterior motives."

Girls of the Nangong family, you speak to each other, the tone of sarcasm and disdain should not be too obvious. Nangong Xuan, the eighth young lady, is even more vicious at a young age, which actually alludes to He Xiner's impure intentions.

Who told her to be good-looking? The little girl has always had a strong sense of jealousy, so she can't see that others are more beautiful than her.

He Jiajie sneered.

What a group of unknown things.

Today's matter, the He family will never let it go.

Nangong Han became more and more guilty. Although the cousin of the He family had never studied, she had a gentle personality, a quiet and elegant personality, and she was calm and relaxed when attacked like this, and she would not swear at others.

On the other hand, the girls in his uncle's mansion are all arrogant and domineering. How can they have the manners of a noble daughter from aristocratic family?

How could He Chuer and He Qier care about seeing He Xiner's jokes at this moment, the whole He family was ashamed, they were stupid to watch jokes.

He was so anxious about what was going on, and he didn't dare to turn against the Nangong sisters, he just wished he could get rid of the relationship with He Xiner and pretend not to know each other.

So, the two of them backed away, almost hating He Xiner to death.

For a country bumpkin, he can't count how many catties and measures he has. It's really ignorant that a wealthy family like the Bofu dares to come.

This time, not only was he embarrassing himself, but it also affected the entire He family, making him a loser.

"Second sister, what should I do?"

"Let's go, let's go to the old lady."

He Chuer gritted his teeth, and He Qier didn't feel any better, he was itching with hatred.

The two of them stared bitterly at the girl who had been stroking Dabai all the time, and hurriedly turned around to go to rescue the soldiers. He Qier muttered, "I used to scold us for being a scumbag, but I think she is the scumbag. Now My son was besieged by the sisters of the Nangong family, so why don't you use Dabai to scare people? It's not like bullying. "

He Chuer's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly said that that person is not a good-tempered person, if Dabai gets into trouble if he loses his composure, he will be in big trouble.

This is Yongchangbo Mansion.

"Quick, we have to appease her first, and don't let her let her go."

He Qier's heart skipped a beat when she grabbed her violently.

The two looked at each other, and no longer cared about the embarrassment, they cheered up and slid into the crowd.

"Please, let me go."

"Please let it go."

It turned out that there was a lot of commotion at this moment, and everyone saw that something was wrong, so they all became melon-eating crowds and looked lively.

In the heart of the bustling area, Nangong Han stood upright. The young master who used to be warm and moist as jade now has a cold body, and his brows are as cold as ice. He glanced at Nangong Qian and the others with his cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "As a girl from the uncle's mansion, I treat you like this. Guests, is this your upbringing?"

He Jiajie, who was about to be furious, calmed down now. He could talk to his uncle in private, but he would not slap him in the face in public.

But he won't let go of any of these people who bullied the fourth sister.

Nangong Bin and the others who arrived later tried to smooth things over, "Cousin He's a guest from afar, she should be treated as a guest of honor, no matter what, she must treat her well, it's Seventh Sister who is wayward."

"Seventh Sister is still young, she acted recklessly and offended Cousin He's family, we brothers will apologize to Cousin He's family, let's just expose this matter, okay?"

"Yes, I quarreled with my ancestors and disturbed their peace because of a small matter, but it's wrong for us to be juniors."

(End of this chapter)

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