The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 175 Brother Lobby Is Tired 1 Definitely Tell Me

Chapter 175 Definitely Tell Me When You Are Tired
"Yeah! The boy who knows martial arts is so handsome! He flew out in a whiz, wow, it's so dazzling! It's so cool! It's so handsome!"

He Xiner didn't dare to move anymore, she just waved her right hand and gestured, her emotions were extremely excited!
Too flashy?so cool?Awesome?
what does that mean?
Ye Xusheng was full of sour water, and didn't ask if he didn't understand, it must be a compliment!
He has strengthened his determination to learn Qinggong, sooner or later he will fly farther than his friends!
"Big brother, why don't you speak?"

Ye Xusheng...

"Well, let me watch the road carefully."

I can't say that you praise your friend, I feel upset, right?
I had to find an excuse~
"Brother Hall, are you tired?"

He Xiner's attention finally focused on the eldest brother.

"Put me down, I'll go by myself"

"No, brother is not tired"

"Oh, you must tell me if you are tired"

"Don't worry, big brother is strong."

Seeing that she had left her friend behind, Ye Xusheng raised his lips slightly, his steps became more and more steady, and he walked fast with big strides.

After tossing and tossing all night, He Xiner was hungry, tired, and a little sleepy, so she couldn't help yawning, the slight bumps brought by walking accelerated the attack of tiredness.

He yawned again, his eyes glued together, his little head moved little by little, and finally he couldn't hold it anymore, and fell asleep directly on Ye Xusheng's shoulder.

Feeling that the little person on his back had fallen asleep, Ye Xusheng slowed down his pace so as not to wake her up too much.

While being careful about the road under her feet, she thought: Did Xiner come here because she was afraid that I would be eaten by wolves?
In the past few years, Houshan has not had any incidents of wolves attacking people. Who did Xin'er hear that there were wolves?

Could it be that someone deceived her and deliberately led her to the mountain?

Thinking of those two inexplicable falling into the water, Ye Xusheng became vigilant~
The moon poked its head out from behind the clouds, showing a shy face, shining softly on the land, with the moonlight shining, the path under the feet became clear, and Ye Xusheng walked extraordinarily steadily.

Soon, they arrived at the door of Lao Ye's house. Ye Xusheng walked quietly to the door. It was almost three o'clock, and the door was unlocked?

Afraid of attracting attention, Ye Xusheng stepped lightly, stretched out a hand and gently opened the door, and restored the door to its original state after entering.

Usually he jumps directly over the wall from Dongkua courtyard, but now he can't jump over the wall with He Xiner on his back, luckily the door is open.

Ye Xusheng walked eastward across the yard along the dark place at the bottom of the wall. The main room was still lit, and there was the sound of his mother's whimpering and grandma's yelling. , but was very careful not to make a sound.

About to turn into Dongkua courtyard, I heard an old man's voice again. It turned out that it was his grandfather.

Alas, let them!

Back in his own room, he groped to the edge of the kang in the dark, carefully placed He Xiner on the kang on his back, and took off her shoes.

I lightly went to get a basin of warm water, and then took the torch and lit the oil lamp.

Put the lamp on the kang table, soak the cotton towel first, and prepare to wipe He Xiner's hands and face.

When he returned to the kang to wipe He Xiner's face with a wet cotton towel, he found that there were a few scratches on her little face. Smeared with ash.

Ye Xusheng was in a hurry, and saw that her little hands had been scratched a few times, her clothes had been hung by bushes in several places, the two small hair buds on her head were crooked, and there were still a few dead leaves. She was in a terrible mess.

Seeing that Ye Xusheng's eyes were slightly red, his heart was in a ball, how much suffering did this silly boy suffer?
There was a tingling pain in his heart, Ye Xusheng felt distressed and guilty, he was all to blame for running out in anger, otherwise Xin'er wouldn't have chased him!
After hesitating for a while, he carefully took off He Xiner's socks, looked at her little feet, and saw that the bleeding blisters were not yet worn off.Put the socks on for her again.

Suddenly remembered what Zhang Dongqiang said, if she hadn't met him, Xin'er would have cried to death in the mountains!

His heart ached even more. How scared was she for such a small person in the dark mountains surrounded by shadows of trees and rocks?
Ye Xusheng wished he could slap himself~
Taking a few breaths, calming down, gently wiped He Xiner's hands and face clean. Seeing that she was sleeping so deeply, he couldn't bear to wake her up, so he simply let them sleep here.

Taking out the thin quilt and covering it gently for He Xiner, she was relieved.

He fetched water again, washed up, blew out the oil lamp, curled up tiredly on the kang, covered himself with his coat and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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