Chapter 1751 I Remembered

After a day of tossing and tossing, He Xiner was tired and fell asleep after lying down for a while.

In her sleep, she felt that someone was massaging her, first her shoulders, then her arms, and finally her legs. The strength was moderate, the technique was skilled, gentle and powerful.

"Big Brother..."

The sleeping person called him softly, and Ye Xusheng thought he had woken her up. He leaned over to look at her, and saw her eyes closed tightly, sleeping soundly.

It turned out to be raving.

Ye Xusheng's heart is sweet, the little girl thinks about him all the time, also has him in her dreams, she really likes him.

What could make him happier than that.

He was beyond happy.

He Xiner was in a dream, and felt that she was being held in someone's arms. His embrace was warm and gentle, so familiar. She naturally stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around his waist, and continued to sleep deeply.

In the darkness, Ye Xusheng smiled silently, bowed his head and kissed her forehead lightly, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep contentedly.

This sleep lasted until Yinshi, and He Xiner, who had rested, was much more vigilant than before. She woke up as soon as Ye Xusheng moved, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and said softly, "When did the big brother come?"

A gentle voice came from above his head, "Last night at midnight".

In the dark night, the surroundings were silent. She nestled in her familiar arms, and when she heard the steady heartbeat of the other party, He Xiner's mind gradually cleared up.

"I remembered, someone gave me a massage in my dream last night, was that Brother Tang?"

"Well, are you tired after driving all day?"

"I was a little tired at first, but after the big brother's massage, I'm not tired anymore."

Ye Xusheng chuckled, and hugged him tighter, "You didn't encounter any trouble yesterday, did you?"

"No, I'm following the old lady, who would come here without looking for trouble."

The little girl's voice is soft, soft and waxy, coupled with her white and pretty face, she is so cute that it's a foul.

Ye Xusheng glanced out silently, he was in his arms with warm fragrance and soft jade, how could he be willing to leave, there was still an hour and a half before dawn, and there would be nothing wrong with staying another half an hour.

"Big brother, what time is it?"

"Yin time."

"Are you going?"

He Xiner raised her head and looked at him eagerly, eyes full of reluctance.

In the dark night, she did not hide her emotions, "Later later, okay?"

"it is good."

His little girl gently persuaded him to keep him, how could he not agree?

He has always followed her, not to mention this is his original intention.

Putting one hand on the back of her head and the other around her slender waist, Ye Xusheng lowered his head and kissed her, lingering tenderly with her until he was short of breath and almost couldn't hold it, then he stopped panting.

"I wish time would pass faster."

His concentration is getting worse and worse, just for a while, his body is tense, he dare not be close to the little girl, for fear of being noticed by her, he has to be cautious every time.

I really want time to pass faster, marry her home, and do more intimate things...

A certain person successfully teased himself until his face was flushed and his body ached. His chin lightly rested on the top of the little girl's hair, preventing her from seeing the lust in his eyes.

"It's still early, Xin'er, be good, go to bed again."

He patted her on the back like a child, coaxing her to sleep.

He Xiner nestled in his arms obediently, and she didn't sleep well for a while, and she was really tired. When Ye Xusheng quietly left this time, she didn't know it at all.

"Miss is up, and I have to go to pay my respects to the old lady later."

It wasn't until Luo Hua came in to call her that she woke up suddenly, stared wide-eyed and scanned around the tent, um, only herself.

The room smelled sweet and mellow, fresh and refreshing. It must be that the hall brother sprinkled a handful of agarwood into the incense burner when he left.

Call ~
Fortunately, the eldest brother is alert, if he can sleep like her, it will be troublesome.

If Luo Hua hadn't called her, she might have been able to sleep for a long time.

It's better for her to go out of the house every day to meet the eldest brother, eat together, read a book or talk together, it doesn't matter if she comes back later.

(End of this chapter)

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