The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1759 Then I'm Not Going

Chapter 1759 Then I'm Not Going

Qingxin Youju has become extraordinarily lively because of a group of small animals.

Luo Hua always hugs the little milk cat whenever she has time, Xiao Xing and the others try to teach the crested sunflower parrot to talk, and the big white goose is the second favorite of the whole Qingxin Youju.

The first group of favorites is naturally Dabai.

The other white pigeons, white rabbits, and white foxes were kept in cages, and they received relatively little attention, but they were also well taken care of.

The autumn sun is exceptionally bright, the blue sky is clean and pure, and the white clouds are floating in the sky gently and peacefully, stretching leisurely.

The garden is full of chrysanthemums standing against the wind, in various poses and with different expressions. The cool autumn wind blows, and the whole courtyard is full of fresh and delicate fragrance.

The spicy aroma has not yet wafted from the kitchen. Mama Tan and the others must be helping with the preparations. Xiao Tao and Xiao Li are helping inside, Xiao Xing is playing with crested sunflower parrots, Xiao Ju is feeding the little white rabbit, and Luo Hua is stroking the cat. , light rain to do needlework.

The fourth young master's people fed two big white geese, while He Jiajie tried to please Dabai in different ways.

There was always a faint smile on He Xiner's lips.

Even if she leaves Qingxinyouju in the future, she will always remember this painting in her heart.

"Fourth sister, I beg you, let Dabai and the dog go out to play, okay?"

He Jiajie was full of resentment, Dabai was too difficult to deal with, even if he talked about it, it was as hard as iron, and it didn't even give him a proper look.

His fiery heart was about to shatter into ashes.

He Xiner looked at his sad face, very depressed, and said with a light smile, "I'm going to come back to this show every time, how about acting with me?"

"Then discuss it carefully, and the fourth sister will agree?"

He Jiajie looked at her expectantly, with a pug waiting to be fed, yes, not to mention how funny.

"You should ask Dabai for his opinion. If he agrees, I have no objection."

"Don't mind, Fourth Sister! You know that Dabai only listens to you, but you still say such things, aren't you just kidding me?"

"How take those two big white geese with you?"

The smile in He Xiner's eyes was about to overflow, but she couldn't hold it back. It seemed like that. He Jiajie was so shocked by her words that he couldn't speak. He just wanted to play with a group of brothers, followed by two A big goose swaggers and squawks...

Uh~, the picture is too beautiful to accept.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing his appearance of being struck by lightning, He Xiner couldn't help but laugh so hard that her branches trembled.

"Okay, are you kidding me? Then I won't leave, I'll just stay here and not go anywhere."

Dabai ignored him, little fairy sister teased him, and He Jiajie was so angry that he couldn't beat or scold him, so he could only play a rogue.


He was like a kid who was arguing about eating candy, he would lose his temper when he was not satisfied, he was childish and cute, making He Xiner dumbfounded.

Forget it, it's okay to be around her, so let Dabai go out with him for a while.

Anyway, there are two big white geese guarding the family yard.

So finally, when He Xiner spoke, He Jiajie was so happy that he almost jumped up, and immediately laughed like a flower.

"I know that the fourth sister is not willing to let my brother feel sad."

"Ah, my brother is so lucky to have such a kind sister."

"The fourth younger sister is a beautiful and kind-hearted little fairy."


He Xiner...

She pursed her thin lips, not wanting to talk to him.

Her acting skills are not good, she needs more practice, she has a bright smile, but these words are so hypocritical, she can't see it.

Tsk, tsk, you should learn from He Chuer and He Qier for a few years before you can successfully deceive others.

After a commotion, He Xiner's mood calmed down a lot. She stopped looking for troubles and went into the study to write her fairy tales.

When there was another cheer in the yard, she didn't take it seriously, and the pen in her hand didn't stop at all.

Luo Hua hugged the kitten, and ran in excitedly. The moment the door opened, the screams of Xiao Xing and the others reached her ears particularly loudly.

"Miss, the young master sent a peacock."

(End of this chapter)

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