The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 178 You Didn't Pain Her For Nothing

Chapter 178 You Didn't Pain Her For Nothing

After being reminded by a friend, Ye Xusheng suddenly realized.

Xin'er was originally worried that his mother would be divorced, and he would be sad and overwhelmed!

This silly girl...

Zhang Dongqiang shook his head, poured him a cup of tea, poured himself a cup, and drank it.

How long will the fool be in a daze?
"So what happened to you? Made her think you might be overwhelmed?"

Alas, although Ye Xusheng felt ashamed, he had always been dissatisfied with his friends, so he lowered his head and talked about his father wanting to divorce his wife.

"No wonder, your little cousin is afraid that you will be sad or ashamed because of your mother being divorced. Anyway, she is afraid that you will be sad."

Glancing at him, "You didn't hurt her for nothing."


Ye Xusheng nodded, "She is a kind-hearted child."

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes were piercing, with an inexplicable glint, staring at his friend, "What the hell are you doing in front of her?

When she mentioned you, her eyes lit up with excitement, and she praised you for being handsome!I praise you again!He also said that you are a master of martial arts! "

here we go again……

Zhang Dongqiang was very helpless, what am I trying to do?

Seeing that he didn't let him go like that, he almost laughed angrily, "It was late last night, and she was crying to find you, and I couldn't leave her behind, but she walked really slowly, so I Just pick her up and go up the mountain with lightness kung fu.”

"You hugged her?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Xusheng stood up angrily and shouted at him.

How did this kid have such a long brain?

"Don't get excited, okay? That's a little doll, don't you want me to throw her in the dark mountain?"

That's right, Ye Xusheng tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth, "She also said that she will ask you to go to the lake to play together next time."

After finishing speaking, she gave him a hard look, feeling so wronged that she was going to die, that little girl couldn't even see her parents clearly at night, so she wanted to ask him out to play!
Zhang Dongqiang was so troubled by him that he had a headache, and exaggeratedly bowed his hands, "Okay, okay, next time I don't care about my business."


Ye Xusheng was very tough.

Zhang Dongqiang was dumbfounded: "What exactly do you want from me?"

"She is in danger, you should take care of it, but you can't show too much."

"You are being unreasonable"

Zhang Dongqiang can't laugh or cry~
"I don't care, you are my friend and you have to help her"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll listen to you, right? Besides, I won't go to the lake with you either."

As far as this kid's virtue is concerned, it's better for him to stay far away.

"That's not okay. She said she would ask you to go with her friends. She will be disappointed if you don't go. She likes to play with her friends the most, so she probably regards you as a friend."

What else can I say?
Zhang Dongqiang shrugged, "It's fine if you're happy, and whatever you say is what you say, I'm afraid of you"

Fearing that he would pester her again, she changed the subject, "The little girl wasn't frightened last night, was she?"

Ye Xusheng was startled, it was already bright outside, Xin'er didn't know if she was awake, and didn't care about messing around with Zhang Dongqiang, so she stood up and ran.

With a 'whoosh', the person disappeared, only to hear his voice "I'm leaving" from outside the door

Long time to see, Zhang Dongqiang is really dumbfounded, I have never seen him like this~
When the outside became quiet, Zhang Dongqiang restrained his expression, his eyes dimmed, did you praise me for being handsome?

A eccentric little girl appeared in front of her eyes, and she said, "everyone has a love for beauty"...
Ye Xusheng returned to Lao Ye's house as quickly as possible, fearing that there would be trouble, he still jumped in from the outer wall of the Dongkua courtyard, walked quickly to the door, and listened first, but there was no movement inside.

Then gently pushed the door open, walked in slowly and closed the door,
He Xin'er was sleeping soundly on the kang, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Tiptoing to the edge of the kang, first look at He Xiner's small face, well, those few cuts are not as red as last night, but they are still obvious, I am afraid that my second uncle and aunt will become suspicious when they see it.

By the way, the rouge gouache he just asked Uncle Zhang to buy has not been given to her yet, so I will try to rub it on later to see if it can cover up a little bit.

 Dear friends, please vote for it~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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