Chapter 1794

Old Yetou's complexion was very ugly.

Ye Mantun and the others said that they were drinking tea with the old man, so they really didn't leave in a hurry. Now they saw Xiaoqian rushing in, holding He Xiner's hand but not letting go.

And their sister Xin'er, with a face full of lovelessness, made them feel distressed.

So he hurriedly left, saying that the work in the workshop was too busy and he had to go back to work, so Old Yetou smiled and said, "Come and talk to grandpa when you have time."

"Ah, I see."

Ye Mantun responded straightforwardly, and took a few brothers to look for Ye Laijin like the wind blowing under their feet, and then the Ning family's sisters-in-law, Ye Hexiu and others all knew about it.

Good guy, he didn't care about the work in his hands, so he handed it over to Ye Mantun and his brothers in a fit of anger, and they all ran to Lao Ye's house in a swarm.

Naturally, Ye Laijin was the one walking in the front, he was really happy, since he didn't see girl Xin for a while, he also panicked.

Before his people had reached the entrance of the main hall, Xiaoqian's unique shrill voice could be heard from inside, "I said, girl Xin, Feifeng saved your life back then, but frightened her into a sickness, pity her." Such a big girl, she needs someone to take care of her, you have to help her..."

He Xin'er in the room was firmly grasped by her black and thin claws, she was about to die of shock, and she had to endure her piercing voice, so depressed that she wanted to run away!
Ye Laijin's face turned cold outside.

He felt distressed when his daughter went crazy, but what did that have to do with girl Xin?
He knew exactly why this inconsequential thing said such things.

"Oh, look at the young lady from a rich family, it's different, this is both gold and jade, it's really amazing!"

Xiaoqian's pair of tricks were firmly stuck to Yu Ruyi's gold collar, and his greedy face was not too ugly.

He Xiner was about to die of shock.

If the old man didn't buy this, it would be fine for He Xiner to give it to her, but this is the old man's heart, how could he give it to her.

"It is said that gold suppresses shock, silver wards off evil spirits, and jade protects Yu's safety. This kind of Yuruyi gold collar is worn by Feifeng, and it is the best for her illness..."

It's rare for He Xiner to come back. Lao Yetou didn't want to get angry and curse at others, but he was so angry at her shameless words that he wanted to slam the table, but when he saw the door curtain being raised high, the boss left with a dark face Come in.

So, he took back his raised hand.

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, go back to Old Qian's house."

If this was left before, he might be impatient and want to do it again.

It's not for Xiaoqian's face, but for Lao Yetou's mind. It's rare for girl Xin to come back, so she can't beat and scold her in front of the child.

But Xiaoqian was already fascinated by things, and he was not willing to give up easily, but he didn't dare to push it too hard, so he squinted his eyes and calculated quickly.

"Hello, uncle."

He Xiner withdrew her hand forcefully, stood up and gave Ye Laijin a blessing, and said with a smile, "It's been a while since I saw you, uncle is more energetic than before."

"Xin girl is trying to make uncle happy!"

Ye Laijin laughed happily, his dark face was flushed, showing that he was in a very good mood.

Old Yetou also showed his smile again, and said with a smile, "This girl is studying and learning art, but she has developed a lot of skills."

"It's good to learn..."

"Girl Xin is back, ouch, call Second Aunt to have a look."

"Xin girl..."

"Sister Xin'er..."

As soon as the two of you chatted, Ning, Ding, Yao, Kong, Ye Hexiu, Ye Huilan, Ye Xiangqiao, Ye Yiping and others suddenly rushed in, and put An Jing in the first place. , Ye Feifeng, who looked like a quail, crowded into the dining room at once, she blinked, and continued to stay still.

On the other hand, He Xiner was surrounded by buzzing people, and what they were talking about was a lot of fun.

(End of this chapter)

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