Chapter 1799 She is Blessed
Ning's sisters-in-law are really envious of Wang from the bottom of their hearts.

She really raised a good girl.

Look at that girl, even if she went to the He family and became a lady of a rich family, she is still the same as before. She thinks about her parents in everything, and her whole heart is in Lao Ye's house.

Buy jewelry and clothes for Wang, and earn money for Ye Laiyin.

Oops, it's really gluttonous.

Before, people in the village said sourly that she was unlucky, saying that she had no son, and no matter how much money she had, she would be given to outsiders in the future.

But look at it now, the entire Ye Family Village is blessed to belong to her.

Not to mention the return of her own son, her raised daughter is still intimate with her, and she is pregnant with another child, whether it is a man or a woman, it is a happy thing.

And there is such a big business stall...

Ouch, I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it again, it's not my own, and jealousy is useless, it's almost more beneficial to have a good condom.

Fate is different from person to person, how many of them are so lucky?

The Ning family, the Ding family, the Yao family, and the Kong family are all good people. They have a lot of eyes, but they also know good and evil. , it's not too disgusting.

On the whole, they can get by.

For example, looking at Wang's jewels and jewels now, they are naturally envious, but they don't think it's wrong. Of course, they know it well, and it's useless to think about it.

So, they were all happy to join in, and praised a lot of things casually, especially when it came to He Xiner's filial piety, it was a compliment that touched Wang's heart, and Wang was so happy from ear to ear.

At that time, a group of women came to talk in the inner room, Xiaoqian was naturally there too, his eyeballs rolled around, drifting from time to time to the two large wooden boxes that had been moved to the inner room, on which there were still many brocade boxes.

"Ah, where did you get a set of ruby ​​tops? He's mansion has plenty of silver, and the second girl rarely comes back, so naturally she can't be empty-handed, isn't she? Look at that pile of good things, they are really old and young."

Xiaoqian's high-pitched voice was particularly ear-piercing, making everyone uncomfortable. Ning gave her a squinting look, as if they didn't have eyes.

Then there are a bunch of bosses, as long as you are not blind, you can see it.

"The things in this county must be all precious things. My brothers and sisters let us open our eyes. It is good to gain insight."

This is extremely shameless.

Why should I show you their things?

Wang's face turned slightly cold, she had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

Fearing that she would get angry, Mrs. Bai hurriedly patted her hand, then turned her head to face Mrs. Qian, and said in a deep voice, "Your brother and sister's words are really funny. I haven't heard of anyone doing this. If you don't know, I think it's for your sake." I came here to pick up people’s things.”

Doesn't Xiaoqian just want to pick things up, wishing he could bring all those precious things home.

But it was one thing for her to do it, and another thing to be told about it.

She was sure that Mrs. Wang had a good temper, so she was embarrassed to refuse her.

But he was blocked by Bai Shi and almost choked to death, so he couldn't help but said angrily, "It's not about looking at your things, so why did you come out to show me?"

Ning's and the others frowned, they were really troublemakers, they had a good chat, but when she opened her mouth, there was no good atmosphere.

Mrs. Bai snorted coldly. Before she could say anything, Mrs. Wang said first, "My sister-in-law did not say anything wrong. There is really no reason to come to look at other people's things."

Xiaoqian didn't expect Wang to make such a face on her, and immediately felt ashamed and annoyed, and wanted to make a fuss.

"The He family boy is still here. If there is a row, it won't look good. Sister-in-law should go back."

Hey, not only slapped her in the face, but also drove her away, Xiao Qian was so angry that his dark and thin face turned red.

According to her temper, she didn't care what the He family thought, but Ye Laijin was outside, she had some scruples after all, her chest was heaving violently with anger, and she didn't dare to yell or curse.

"Ah, siblings are very lucky. They are gold and precious stones. My poor daughter was frightened at the beginning. She wanted gold and jade, but she didn't..."

(End of this chapter)

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