The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1804 Don't Come Over

Chapter 1804 Don't Come Over

He Xiner lay on Wang Shi's shoulder coquettishly, rubbing it affectionately, so as to hide the tears in her eyes.

But Wang's eyes were already hazy, she blinked, trying to force back the turbulent tears, patted her on the back, like coaxing a child, and said in a gentle tone, "Go, if you go back later, you will have to hurry!" It's night."

"Mother must eat well, sleep well, rest well, and don't tire yourself out."

Wang's smile became more gentle, "Mother has written it down, don't worry."

She had already told her many times, and after she told her again, she had nothing to say, He Xiner reluctantly left her mother, and walked towards the carriage step by step.

Little friend Wang Jinling's tears and Lianlian followed suit, and Ye Yuanyuan followed closely with her little mouth pursed.

Meanwhile, Cao Shi and Bai hurried to Wang Shi to protect her, fearing that some blind people would squeeze in front of her.

"Sister Xin'er, I will miss you."

"Well, my cousin misses you too."

In front of many people, He Xiner didn't kiss her again, but only pinched her little bun's face affectionately, and said with a smile, "Next time I come back, I will bring the little milk cat back for you to play with."

"Okay, I like little milk cats."

After coaxing the little girl, He Xiner turned her head and smiled at Ye Yuanyuan again, "Write to me if you miss me."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this!"

Ye Yuanyuan clapped her hands and laughed loudly, "You must answer my letter when you receive it!"

"no problem."

The eyes of He Jiaheng on the side flickered slightly, it turned out that Miss Ye was also literate, no wonder her conversation was good.

He Xiner supported He Jiajie's hand to get into the carriage, and then He Jiaheng and He Jiajie bid farewell to everyone, and the young and old of the Ye family also politely said good-bye to them.

So the two brothers also got into the carriage, Dabai sat majestically on the carriage frame, the driver swung his whip, and the carriage moved forward slowly.

The thick satin curtain was lifted, and He Xiner's smiling face appeared at the window. She didn't say anything, just smiled and waved to everyone.

Wang's heart skipped a beat, she almost shed tears, and quickly smiled again, watching the carriage leave.

The Ye Mantun brothers, Ye Yuanyuan, and Wang Jinling followed the carriage all the way to the entrance of the village, then stopped, watching from a distance that He's carriage turned into little black spots, and could no longer be seen, Fang reluctantly went back .

On the carriage, He Jiajie grinned and said, "I didn't realize that Fourth Sister is still a sweet potato."

At this time, He Xin'er was feeling uncomfortable, and when he said it, she immediately showed an evil smile, "If you want to talk about sweetness, who can compare to fourth brother~"

Her voice was thin and high-pitched, full of wickedness, and her eyes were even more unscrupulous. She looked at him from head to toe, and then from foot to head, and said with a smile, "fourth brother looks so fair and clean, he looks like a white sweet potato." Ya~~"

Ouch, my mother, this girl must be stimulated, laughing so creepily. .

He Jiajie was frightened by her, he rubbed his arms and moved aside, "Don't, don't come here!"

He Jiaheng, who was watching the play, pursed his lips slightly, always smiling slightly, but his whole heart flew away early.

Miss Ye's frowns and smiles flashed through his mind, and he remembered every word she said clearly, and he thought about it over and over again.

She called him Big Brother He...

He Xiner and He Jiajie became sleepy after arguing for a while. Neither of them slept on the way here. After tossing and tossing for a long time, the pampered brother and sister were both exhausted. Coupled with the bumpy traffic, the two fell asleep stand up.

The big white elephant seemed to sense it, just when He Xiner was staggering in sleepiness, and just when He Jiaheng was about to help her, it entered the car with an old spirit, gently rubbed against its master, closed its eyes and nodded to He Xiner , immediately lay down on it, hugged its warm body, and fell asleep soundly.

He Jiaheng was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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