The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1808 I Know It Really Clearly

Chapter 1808 I Know It Really Clearly

"Where is this? Grandma doesn't know how much the fourth sister is favored in Lao Ye's house. She is really a little princess who is loved by thousands of people..."

Kong said very bluntly, "Which countryman wild girl doesn't burn fire to cook, feed chickens and pigs, go up the mountain to pick up pigweed to collect firewood, and go down to the river to wash clothes? Which family has a pet girl?"

This time she didn't yell, but her voice was already sharp and her face was full of disdain. The disdain in her eyes almost turned into substance, for fear that others would not see it.

He Xiner...

It's really clear.

"Mother really has long hair but short knowledge!"

He Jiajie was less polite than her, he curled his lips impatiently, "Do you think the hands of the fourth younger sister seem to be doing rough work? What's more, the fourth younger sister has a dusty temperament and good handwriting. She doesn't look like a wild girl." ?”

Kong choked on his back, blushing with anger.

This is really irrefutable.

He Chuer and He Qier looked at each other. Only they could understand the complexity in their eyes. He Xiner's handwriting was indeed good, better than both of them.

The old lady gave Kong a sideways look, and then asked about He Jiajie. In fact, she wanted to know about He Jiaming's situation, but she couldn't ask directly. After all, he had already been kicked out of the He family, and now he belonged to the Ye family.

"Fourth younger sister has nine cousins, all of them are tall and thick, and they are strong..."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Nine cousins ​​are not as good as you, who can talk and fall.

Today's old Ye family and his party really reversed He Jiajie's impression of the country people, so he was very interested and wanted to raise He Xiner's status, so he spoke in more detail.

In the whole flower hall, there was only his voice.

The second master, the second young master, and the third young master didn't care what the old Ye's family was like, anyway, it had nothing to do with them, only the eldest master He Hongjin listened more carefully.

The female relatives are different. They often call He Xiner a bumpkin and a country girl behind her back on weekdays. Even if they can't handle her casually, they still have a strong sense of superiority in their hearts.

For example, He Chuer and He Qier, they always felt that they were much more noble than He Xiner.

Even if she writes well, even if she catches up with them in piano, chess and painting in the future, no matter how good she is, she will still be unable to get rid of her past as a country girl.

With such a background, you will never be able to compare with them.

But what are they hearing now?
What kind of little princess, what kind of charming girl, what kind of pampered person, how, how is that possible?

Even Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Chai also did not believe it. Mrs. Kong was so angry that her face turned green. What is this stupid son trying to do by hugging the dead girl and giving her face?
She can't wait to trample all the people in the big house under their feet, especially the dead girl. Since she entered the mansion, everything has gone wrong for her. Yes, he was driven to Zhuangzi and guarded.

"You child hears that the wind is the rain, and if people put gold on their faces, do you take it seriously?"

Kong tried her best not to scream, and said disdainfully with the corners of her mouth, "What kind of coquettish pet? People in the country plan to eat in the earthen nest. If you are lucky, you can have a full meal. What good things can I give her?"

"Who told you that the country people eat in the dirt? Lao Ye's family runs a workshop, is it good for business?"

He Jiaheng looked over fiercely, he thought this bastard only knew how to play around and didn't see the way, but he knew it so clearly.

Elder Master He Jiajin also raised his eyes and looked over, workshop?
Why didn't you mention it when Jiaming wrote to you last time?


Kong screamed again.

"Where do they get the money to do business?"

He Xiner got up suddenly, and said calmly, "I would like to advise the second lady that whether other people's lives are good or bad has nothing to do with you. It is serious to take care of your own affairs."

"Understood, let's go."

After saying that, she walked away, Xiao Yu hurriedly followed, Dabai looked at the second lady coldly, his gaze gradually deepened, He Xiner's voice came from outside, "Dabai don't want to scare the old lady."

(End of this chapter)

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