The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1830 It Feels Like a Dream

Chapter 1830 It Feels Like a Dream

Now the big problem has finally been solved, and with Bai Shi, Cao Shi and the two maids by his side every day, the Wang family will not be too deserted.

They are all caring, and they often explain to her, even if they miss their daughter, they will not be depressed, and they talk and laugh together, doing what they like, and they are in a good mood every day.

I am in a good mood, my appetite is good, my complexion is good, and the baby in my stomach is also healthy and well-behaved, and never makes a fuss.

Ye Laiyin was very satisfied with this.

At the beginning of this day, Guan Xiuyuan was supposed to calculate last month's accounts, and because of the weather, Guan Xiuyuan hadn't traveled far and had a full staff, so he gathered at Ye Laiyin's house at night, um, to eat hot pot.

Not to mention pork, mutton, fish, and chicken, there is also venison, which is really rare, and then there are tofu, cabbage, bean sprouts, etc., which are very rich.

There are four members in Ye Shitian's family, Guan Xiuyuan and his son, and Ye Laiyin's family of three, including Wang Jinling's child, and Ye Laijin who is rarely at home with his father.

Shuyuan Xiumu and Guan Mingwei walked back to Yejia Village from the town. The road was icy and the car rental business of the car shop was suspended, so he could only walk on foot.

There is a stove in the dining room, using high-quality silver charcoal, which has no smell of smoke and is resistant to burning. The bright red stove keeps the room warm.

Da Ha lay on the mat and gnawed on his bones happily.

On the thick elm dining table, covered with thick mats, is a yellow copper hot pot, with charcoal burning underneath, the flames are strong, and the pot above is bubbling and bubbling, and the spicy and delicious taste is released with the steaming heat open.

Wang Shi was pregnant and didn't dare to eat too spicy food, so Ye Laiyin filled her a large bowl of hot water, and washed the food cooked in spicy oil in clean water, so that Wang Shi could also enjoy it.

Because she still likes spicy food.

It is said that they are sour and hot, but their husband and wife don't care about this at all. Whether they are male or female, they are their own children, and they don't say whether they are happy or unhappy.

As long as it is not too spicy, it will irritate the child.

A crowd gathered around the steaming hot pot, eating in full swing.

Both Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were so hot that their faces were flushed, their noses were sweating, their outer capes had been taken off long ago, they were only wearing thin tight jackets, and they were still screaming hot.

The others were not much better, they couldn't wear their thick coats, they were all their own people on the left and right, and the clothes inside were tightly covered, so they all took off their coats.

Ye Shitian said with a smile, "In previous years, in winter, it was freezing cold all day, haha, I wish I could pour it directly from the pot into my mouth and put it in a bowl, and it would be completely cold after a while, which is not pleasant. It’s iced when you order it.”

Bai Shi silently rolled his eyes.

Who's to blame?

It's not that he has a good wife.

The porcelain bowl was as cold as ice, and even if the hot muddy porridge was put in it, it would be cold immediately.

People who are so particular will use hot water to scald the bowl before using it.

But her mother-in-law is so stingy, the firewood at home is all picked up from the mountains, not bought with silver, but she is reluctant to burn more fire and boil some hot water for use.

The water for washing dishes should still be warmed by the remaining fire in the stove, otherwise it would be even more unbearable.

"Hey, in previous years, there were two meals of muddleheaded porridge a day during the winter, and two extra steamed buns when it was good. Think about it, it feels like a dream."

Ye Laijin was a few years younger than Ye Shitian, but he was more disciplined than him since he was a child. He followed old Ye Tou's work obediently and seldom played around.

Even though Ye Laiyin was still young, he grew up mischievously with Ye Shitian. He either fished in rivers or climbed trees to dig out bird's nests, and often ate small stoves outside.

It was only later that he grew up and his family was not prosperous, so he honestly followed his father and elder brother to do the work well.

However, the life of the Guan family was a little stronger in the past, so Ye Laijin suffered the most among the four of them when they were young.

But life was not good at that time, and even now, the life of most people in the village is not easy, so Ye Laijin's words still aroused everyone's collective memories of bitterness and sweetness.

(End of this chapter)

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