Chapter 1841 Thank you

He himself was not afraid of being entangled by someone with a heart, so He Xiner didn't bother to talk to her.

Time is precious, and she has no time to waste it with him.

So, she didn't care how He Jiajie pestered Dabai, she just rushed back with light rain, and met the first and second graders carrying wooden boxes outside the quiet and secluded courtyard.

"Miss Si, the carriage is already waiting in front of the Chuihua Gate, the Eldest Young Master asked us to help move things first."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble."

The first day and the second day of junior high school smiled silly, and then continued to walk outside.

Behind Luo Hua brought a few little maids carrying food boxes, hot water kettles and other items and filed out. When they saw He Xiner, they all smiled and called Miss.

"Well, carefully under your feet."

After casually reminding her, He Xiner stood still, turned her head to Wei Yu and said, "Why do I always feel like I forgot to bring something very important?"

"Last night, Miss checked it several times in person, and there is nothing left~"

Wei Yu stretched out her fingers and began to count, there were all kinds of cakes, fruits, cloth jewelry, and tea supplements.

"No, not those things."

He Xiner patted her forehead and continued to think.

"Fourth Young Master and Dabai didn't follow, they must have gone directly to the carriage. The Eldest Young Master told the Escort Bureau to retrieve the peacock and wait outside the side door..."


Speaking of Dabai's peacock, He Xiner finally remembered, "I promised my cousin that I will bring the little milk cat to play with her when I go back this time."

Wei Yu smiled and said, "That little cat has a docile temperament, so I'm not afraid of it scratching people."

When He Xiner hurried to the Chuihuamen with the little milk cat in her arms, the first and second graders of junior high school had already rushed to bring another big wooden box, and together with the presents prepared by He Jiajie, the whole cart was full.

He Jiajie was in the second carriage with his arms around Dabai, he raised the door curtain and shouted, "Fourth sister, come here."

So, under the reluctant eyes of all the maids, He Xiner carried the little milk cat into the car. She was so happy that she didn't care about them.

Lifting up the cotton curtain on the car window, she smiled like a flower, and waved at the maidservants gracefully.

At the side door, there was already a carriage waiting for her.

"Big Brother, Big Brother..."

"Brother Chen..."

He Xiner was a little dumbfounded, Chen Xing was also there, what's going on?
Chen Xing's eyes were deep, no emotion could be seen, his face was calm, and his tone was alienated, "Miss He."

He Jiajie stretched his head to look over, "Brother, are you going to Yejia Village too?"

He glanced at Chen Xing, um, a warrior, not interested, and turned to look at Ye Xusheng, a young man with handsome features, tall and straight like a bamboo, with an extraordinary temperament.

He Jiajie squinted his eyes, why did he look familiar?

He was wearing a brown round-neck robe and a stone blue cloak. He had a calm atmosphere, and his demeanor didn't look like a frail young man.

Where did you see him?
For a while, He Jiajie was distracted looking at Ye Xusheng, and didn't hear what He Jiaheng said. He didn't come back to his senses until He Jiaheng and Ye Xusheng got into the carriage, and subconsciously retreated a little to make room.

"Why are you all in this car?"

"There's something in that car."

He Jiaheng's words were concise and to the point.

He Jiajie was at a loss.

"Who is that kid?"

He raised his chin at Chen Xing who was sitting on the frame.

"People from Yejia Village, I met at Shaoxuan's place, and returned to Yejia Village with our car."

It was He Jiaheng who responded to him.

He Jiajie didn't take it seriously, but he turned around and found Ye Xusheng and He Xiner close together.

And Dabai also leaned over with an incomparably intimate appearance.

And the man patted its head unceremoniously.

He Jiajie's eyes widened, "You, you stay away from my fourth sister, don't you know if a man and a woman can kiss each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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