The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1846 Why Should You Be So Careful

Chapter 1846 Why Should You Be So Careful
The weather was clear and sunny, and the East Wing room was full of laughter.

When Dabai ran into the courtyard of the second room, it happened that Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling couldn't sit still in the east room and were going to look outside the gate.

Seeing it, she naturally knew that He Xiner was back, so she happily went back to the East Wing to report the letter, and then ran out bouncing around.

Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Cao who were doing their work were all overjoyed, and hurriedly put down their work. Mrs. Wang wanted to welcome them out, but Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Cao stopped them in time.

There is a stove in the room to make it warm, but it is freezing outside, which can kill a person. She is pregnant, and if the cold wind blows her hot body, she will definitely get sick. How can they let her just wear a jacket? Jacket ran outside.

With the help of the two, Mrs. Wang put on a thick cloak and was about to put on a hood when He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling lifted the curtain and walked in with a smile.

"Mother, eldest aunt, Aunt Cao."

"Why do you want to run back in such a cold day? What should I do if I catch the wind and cold?"

Seeing her own daughter, Mrs. Wang was so happy that she smiled, but when she opened her mouth, she began to blame her.

He Xiner just smiled, and first glanced at her mother's belly, she was four months pregnant, she still didn't show her pregnancy very much, and she was dressed thickly in winter, so she didn't show it.

She leaned sideways and hugged Wang's arm, rubbing her shoulder affectionately, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, like a little milk dog, and said delicately, "I miss you~"

"Haha, such a grown-up man still acts like a spoiled child to my second aunt..."

Bai Shi, Cao Shi, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling laughed loudly, Wang Shi also laughed from ear to ear, "You look more and more like a child."

Ye Laiyin was busy in the workshop, and only his female relatives were at home.

He Xiner was only anxious to see her mother, who had no intention of caring about other people. They had just chatted and laughed in the east wing for a while, when they heard movement outside, she laughed and said, "My eldest brother and fourth brother will come back with me. Yes, and the eldest brother, stay with me."

"Xuyang hasn't come back for some days, I still miss him. Let's go to the main room."

"Hey, mother, please be careful and walk slowly."

He Xiner hurriedly supported Wang Shi, fearing that something would be wrong if she didn't pay attention.

Seeing her being so cautious, she made Wang laugh, "Where do you have to be so careful?"

"Of course you have to be careful, mother is twin."

"Xin'er is filial, caring and considerate, and will definitely be a good elder sister in the future."

Bai Shi was chatting and joking on the side, Cao Shi heard someone coming, and hurried to the kitchen to boil hot water.

Wang Jinling's little friend stroked the cat, while Ye Yuanyuan kept bending over and hugging Dabai, and she didn't straighten up even when she was walking outside, not to mention the strangeness.

Ye Xusheng raised the thick curtain of the main room when he heard the movement, showing a gentle smile, "Auntie, Auntie."

Bai Shi and Wang Shi responded with smiles, and asked casually if it was cold on the road, Ye Xusheng said yes.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling also called out with a smile, and entered the main room together.

The He family brothers and Chen Xing had already stood up, waiting to say hello.

Seeing Chen Xing at first, Wang and Bai were still confused, but Ye Xusheng said that he needed Chen Xing's help and left him for lunch.

They all knew that Ye Xusheng was doing things safely, so Wang and Bai didn't ask any more questions, just laughed and chattered.

Wang's gratitude to He Jiaheng and He Jiajie for how much they took care of her daughter, they were quite polite, unlike when they met for the first time, they were alienated in all kinds of ways.

As for Chen Xing, people who haven't seen him for more than half a year, seeing him getting darker and thinner, Wang's private heart still feels sorry for him, so they chatted a few words.

"Walking outside in this cold weather, you must take care of yourself, don't just ignore your health..."

(End of this chapter)

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