The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1851 It's good to avoid 1

Chapter 1851

Unlike He Jiaheng, Ye Manliang and Ye Mangui have full confidence in Dabai.

"We haven't heard wolves howling in our mountains for many years, and no one has encountered tigers, leopards, and blind bears. There are wild boars and roe deer, and Dabai has hunted them all."

He Jiajie's blood boiled with excitement, he threw himself on Dabai, put his arms around its neck, and rubbed and rubbed affectionately, wishing he could kiss him twice.

"Master Bai, it's up to you today!"

The corners of He Jiaheng's mouth twitched, even Master Bai yelled out, and he didn't feel ashamed.

He was preoccupied with things and had little interest in hunting.

Originally, he didn't want to go into the mountains to enjoy the wind. Thanks to his thick fox fur cloak, otherwise he would have frozen to death here.

Yes, he didn't want to hunt at all.

But the Ye family boy was alert, he just said a word to Miss Ye, and he was followed by him.

So he had to avoid suspicion.

Besides, he could also guess what would happen to the fourth sister's house when the people in Yejia Village knew that his fourth sister was back.

It's good to come out and avoid it.

Hide away.

As a result, the pampered young master of the He family also completely let go, no longer carried it, and followed Dabai briskly into the empty mountain.

When Ye Laiyin returned home excitedly to see her daughter, He Xiner would go to the old house, accompanied by Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling.

The corners of his lips were tightened, and his face was calm.

Ye Shitian and his son, Ye Laijin and others who came with him all knew that he had a knot in his heart, so they couldn't say anything.

It was Ye Xusheng who broke the eerie silence in the main room, "Did Uncle Guan and Mingwei go out to deliver goods again today?"

"Yes, Uncle Guan took Mantun to Linping County. Mingwei Xiumu was not idle when he came back. He took Daha and Erha to Changqing Town. He left before dawn. It was probably dark. It would be nice to be back.”

It was Ye Shitian who was talking. He and Ye Mancang were in charge of frying the sauce, and they had to stay in the workshop every day.

The business of spicy sauce is booming, and the demand is huge. My father and I are busy from morning to night, and they are not idle every day. If they are not in good health, ordinary people would really not be able to bear such an intensive work.

He is honest and the boss of the four major shareholders. He is also the boss at home.

He never felt that he had done too much. On the contrary, he felt sorry for Guan Xiuyuan and his son. All day, I don't know if I can eat hot food, it's really hard..."

Ye Xusheng glanced at Chen Xing, making him confused.

In fact, Chen Xing couldn't sit still anymore. He wanted to talk about his own business, so what was the matter with him staying here.

The reason why he didn't leave was not because he had a meal, but because he thought that it would be good to see her a few more times. I'm afraid there won't be many such opportunities in the future, so he stayed cheeky.

but now……

How about saying goodbye?
Chen Xing thought with great reluctance in his heart that it was inappropriate for him to be an outsider here.

When he was full of entanglements, he heard Ye Xusheng say, "Xin'er gave me an idea before, saying that I should find a special person to take care of the delivery, so that Uncle Guan can relax and have more energy to negotiate business." .”

"Well, that's the way it should be."

Ye Laijin nodded.

"Otherwise, Mantun will be responsible for delivering the goods in the future. He is not at ease alone, so Manliang will follow along."

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin had no opinion.

At this time, Chen Xing had stood up, and was about to speak, Ye Xusheng turned his head to look at him again, and said calmly, "Xin'er means to ask Chen Xing to do this job."

Chen Xing was taken aback, then his heart beat wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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