The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1862 The more you talk, the less like a chapter

Chapter 1862
The scolding on the other end became more and more straightforward, Ye Dayou's face was not good-looking, he turned his head and scolded, "What are you talking about, I didn't see a few girls still here."

Old Yuan Shi didn't have big ideas. It's good to chatter on weekdays, but none of the five daughters-in-law are fuel-efficient lamps. If troubles arise, she really can't suppress them.

If not, there is no need for Ye Dayou, a father-in-law, to open his mouth.

Ye Zongtian's four brothers didn't look good. It was rare for girl Xin to come back, and she gave Yuanyuan such a precious bird. Although it belonged to the big family, it belonged to their old Ye family. This was to bring good luck and wealth to their family. Well, what a respectable thing it is.

Not to mention the entire Yejia Village, it is the entire Pingning Town, but no matter where you ask, you have never heard of anyone raising a bird of God.

Don't mention the cheerfulness in the family's heart, it's not that they are going to watch something new happily, but the two of them get mixed up in the end.

Cursing and cursing in front of the children really doesn't want any face.

Besides, what is that girl doing, it's really shameless to pretend that others are fools and can't see it.

"What are you doing on the ground? Aren't you afraid that the child will freeze up? Why don't you go home quickly! Don't embarrass yourself outside!"

Ye Dayou was also furious.

Before, he walked around, holding the airs of the head of the family, and took the whole family to see the divine bird happily. He was very imposing, and felt that as the second richest household in Yejia Village, he was very respectable. .

Of course, this second richest household is his self-proclaimed one. In terms of family houses, the second richest household should be Chen Xing's family.

But he didn't think so, the boss of his family was one of the owners of the workshop, and his son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter all worked in the workshop, making a lot of money and being stable, not much better than that kid from the Chen family running darts?

Their old house has not been refurbished because the whole family is too busy earning money, not because they are short of money.

If it is really built, it is no worse than the Chen family's house.

Hey, no matter what, today is their day of great joy. When Shenniao arrived home, he was not overjoyed, but just happy. As a result, the mother and daughter did such dirty things to scare people off.

It's going to piss him off!

Ye Juxiang couldn't accept being scolded by her own father in the street, she was the eldest daughter, and her father didn't save her any face.

"Father, they are brothers and daughters-in-law, not surnamed Ye. It's fine for a dog to look down on us, but you are my own father. You watched our mothers being bullied, and you didn't even say you supported us. And scolding me with them, am I your own daughter?"

She was so wronged that she couldn't help herself, and cried loudly, "Father, mother, why are your hearts so cruel, you live a good life, you don't help your daughter at all, and watch your daughter suffer coldly, can you live with your conscience? ?”

"Bastard thing! The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!"

Ye Dayou was so angry that his hands were shaking, because he saw that there were neighbors at the entrance of the alley, and there were already many people poking their heads to watch the excitement. He felt that his old face had been completely thrown away by this unfilial girl.

There is no way to vent the anger that is full, and it would be even more embarrassing to break it up on the street.

And Wei Qiufang, who was tightly hugged by Ye Juxiang, felt that something was wrong. Is her mother stupid? She didn't want to get involved with her eldest cousin, and kept scolding her own family. She was not welcome at first, but now It's no good for her to offend everyone again.

She also counted on her grandma to help her say good things and facilitate her marriage.

As for others, she dare not count on it.

She raised her head and looked around, nowhere was there Ye Xusheng's shadow, her heart felt cold.

"Mother, stop arguing with grandpa and sister-in-law."

Ye Juxiang was already mad with anger, swearing, swearing and swearing, accusing her parents for not caring about her, and accusing her brothers of being inhumane, she became more and more crooked and confused He had long forgotten the matter of grabbing Ye Xusheng.

Wei Qiufang was so anxious that she was sweating profusely. She tugged at her sleeves and called out to her mother, "Mother, don't talk about it, mother, why are you talking about those things in front of my eldest cousin?"

(End of this chapter)

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