Chapter 1865
Wei Qiufang stared at the ground fiercely.

What her mother said is right, there is no one good person in the whole Lao Ye family, and they all look down on their mothers.

Want to see their excitement, right?
Let's wait and see!
"Mother, let's go." Wei Qiufang suddenly raised her head, her expression not very good-looking.

Hearing this, Ye Juxiang turned her head to look at the courtyard of Ye Shitian's family. When she was arguing, she kept her eyes on the entrance of the alley. If she didn't see Ye Xusheng's person, then he must have gone to the big house.

She learned her lesson and didn't bring up Ye Xusheng again, "Where are you going? Go to your uncle's house to see the divine bird."

Wei Qiufang was overjoyed, thinking that her mother was finally smart for a while.

"Hey, I've never seen a divine bird before."

The two women patted the dust off their bodies as if nothing had happened, and even brushed back the loose hair scattered on the topknot. Feeling that nothing was wrong, they took each other to the big room.

Ning's sisters-in-law and four sneered and blocked the road and refused to give way.

"Get out of the way! Let's go to the big room, what does it have to do with you?"

"Lao Ye's family doesn't welcome you, no matter whether it's the big house or the old house, you are not allowed to enter."

There will be people in the village watching the fun, so Ning will naturally not point out her intentions directly, but the ridicule and disdain in her eyes are very obvious.

Ye Juxiang was so stimulated that she wanted to go crazy again, "Ning, what is my mother going to do, and what does it matter to you?"

Ning pouted, "If you have the ability, don't take Lao Ye's idea, who cares about you."

Before her mother exploded, Wei Qiufang took a step forward, and said timidly, "What are you going to do, sister-in-law? My mother and I have never seen a divine bird. If you want to open your eyes, don't make things difficult for us." gone."

Mrs. Kong from the fifth room sneered twice, and squinted at Wei Qiufang. The disdain and sarcasm in his eyes almost turned into reality, which made Wei Qiufang embarrassed, and felt that there was nowhere to put his hands and feet.

"Little girl, everyone, you still need to show some face..."

He Xiner who was on the side suddenly spoke. She faced Wei Qiufang with a calm expression and a gentle tone, "Your hand is still hurting. You need to find a doctor to disinfect it and bandage it. If you leave it alone, it will get worse."

Wei Qiufang was startled.

She turned her head to look at He Xin'er in a complicated mood. She was dressed in splendid clothes and a fox fur cloak, which made her even more luxurious. On her exquisite hair bun, she only used a golden red plum flower hairpin, which perfectly complemented her. Beautiful and elegant, with a dusty temperament.

She was born well, with picturesque features, icy muscles and bones, and dressed in rich and noble clothes, standing there slim and graceful, as beautiful as a painting.

Wei Qiufang, who felt that she was pretty, unconsciously grabbed the hem of her jacket, instantly feeling ashamed of herself.

The jacket she was wearing was half-worn, it turned white from washing, and the cotton inside was clumped together, not to mention hard, it would not keep warm. If she didn't put it on the kang to dry at night, she didn't dare to wear it on her body.

Compared with the young lady in front of her, she was as poor as a beggar.

At the very beginning, she actually laughed at the other party as a poor man, just thinking about the scene at that time, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and hide herself.

"Hey, girl Xin doesn't speak, and I don't even dare to recognize her. She's becoming more and more beautiful. Look at this whole body style, it's really rare."

Ye Juxiang's eyeballs rolled around, and she wanted to grab He Xiner's hand, but the other party hurriedly took a step back and dodged it. The exaggerated smile on her face froze immediately, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

And Wei Qiufang immediately came back to her senses, she couldn't be cowardly, she would be the imperial wife in the future, and her status was much more valuable than Ye Xin'er.

After He Xiner opened her mouth, Kong stopped talking, and the sisters-in-law glanced at each other, tacit understanding.That is to block the road and never let the mother and daughter succeed.

I didn't see that girl Xin didn't even let me mention it, I was afraid that this shameless mother and daughter would take the opportunity to rely on Sheng Sheng.

And Boy Sheng's attitude is obvious enough, it's ridiculous that the mother and daughter are still pretending to be acting like everyone else is stupid.

"Sister Xin'er, help me talk to some concubines, I just want to see what the divine bird looks like, such a small request, even the elders are not allowed, and it's too unreasonable."

He Xiner looked at her speechlessly, this person is really——

(End of this chapter)

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