The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1867 What are you still doing in a daze

Chapter 1867 What are you still doing in a daze
Ye Juxiang's eyes turned red with anger when Ye Dayou yelled at her. The old man was really strong and strong, his voice was like a bell, and he completely suppressed what she said behind her, and outsiders couldn't hear it at all.

"Father, I'm your daughter, and Qiufang is your niece, so why don't you see our mothers being nice?"

These words almost forced Ye Dayou to stand on her side, because they all knew what she was going to do now.

Ye Juxiang stretched out her arms to block the way of the group of people, but her eyes were fixed on her father, with deep questioning and unwillingness.

Thinking of something, her attitude softened all of a sudden, and she begged, "Father, if you help me this time, I will honor you for the rest of my life."

This is to lure, and opening your mouth is a promise of benefits.


Ye Dayou scolded coldly, "If you make trouble again, don't blame me for being ungrateful, just tie it up and drag it back to Old Wei's house."

Ye Juxiang yelled loudly, "I will break away from you now, and from now on we will go back to the road, and the bridge will return to the bridge! From now on, you don't have to worry about what I want to do!"

She has already given up all her strength, and she vowed to take Ye Xusheng today, otherwise he would go to the county academy, where would they find someone.

Besides, the family was anxiously waiting to use silver, how could she let go of this golden baby in her eyes.

"Warm tent!"

Ye Dayou was out of breath, he waved his hand to signal, Ye Zutian and the others resolutely stepped forward to tie up Ye Juxiang, while Ning and the others were talking sarcasticly.

"It's the first time I've seen such an unfilial thing after living a long time."

"No, I really opened my eyes today."

Ye Juxiang went crazy, "A bunch of sluts! I can't see my mother is good, but I still want you to show me!——Qiu Fang, why are you still staring blankly?"

At this time, Wei Qiufang was relatively close to Ye Xusheng, so she didn't need a run-up, as long as she threw herself hard, she could fall into his arms.

So, Wei Qiufang, who was well-informed by her mother, cried out in tears, "Brother Sheng, you can't let me go———"

She suddenly yelled, and it was extremely tragic.

It turned out that it was Ye Xusheng who dodged her pounce quickly, but Ye Mancang beside him lifted his foot unceremoniously, and directly gasped him out.

If there were not too many people watching the excitement, Ye Xusheng would have kicked her too.

But this can't be over, the Wei family's mother and daughter disgust him so much, they have to pay the price.

"Qiu Fang—"

Ye Juxiang's eyes were about to burst, and she roared like crazy, she didn't know where she got the strength to break free from Ye Yuntian's restraint, she got away so violently, and arrived in front of Wei Qiufang in three or two days, then sat on the ground and howled Crying loudly, "Lao Ye's family is trying to force our mothers to death! They didn't give us any way to survive, and today our mothers died at the door of Lao Ye's house. I want to see how you, a big family, see you again!" people!"

Ye Dayou was dizzy with anger, and old Yuan Shi also scolded angrily.

And Ye Zutian gave his eldest nephew a hard look, and then cursed secretly, what is this all about.

Ye Yuntian, who was about to attack, looked at Wei Qiufang motionless, unavoidably a little impatient, and also glared at Ye Mancang angrily, really afraid that he would kill someone.

Moreover, it's not easy for him to tie up people anymore, Ye Juxiang is holding Wei Qiufang tightly, if they tear him up and knock him down, it will be even more difficult to end.

The faces of the elders of Lao Ye’s family all turned dark, and the Ning family began to curse again, but Ye Juxiang insisted on getting involved with Ye Xusheng, so she didn’t care about scolding them, and screamed, “Ye Xusheng, you You played with my daughter, and you still want to deny it, don't blame me for going to your academy, and let your wife know what kind of virtue you are!"


Ning opened her mouth and scolded, "There are so many people watching here, who shamelessly insisted on throwing himself on Boy Sheng? Stop spitting blood here, and splash dirty water on Boy Sheng.

Pooh!When others don't know your thoughts, isn't it just because Lao Ye's family is rich, so you want to rely on it?For money, I really don't want any face! "

"The slut surnamed Ning is less likely to be aggressive with my old lady, there is nothing wrong with you slut here."

"Ye Xusheng! I just want to ask you a question, do you still want Qiufang? My innocent daughter will never let you play for nothing. If you dare to deny your debt, I will fail to study!"

"If you know you've made a mistake, correct it. Hurry up and find a matchmaker to come to your door to propose marriage. This matter will be over and we're still a family."

(End of this chapter)

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