The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1870 Are you a vegetarian?

Chapter 1870 Are you a vegetarian?
But Ye Mancang reacted the most rudely, spat on the ground in disdain, and cursed fiercely, "Fuck!"

He was so angry that he didn't want to say a single extra word, rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit someone, but he was held back by Ye Xusheng again.

"Brother, don't be impulsive."

With the big brother's temper, it's not easy to hit a woman, but in front of so many people, hitting a woman with his own hands is not good for his reputation.

The most important thing is that he is afraid that he will be angry, and the attack will not be serious.

Ye Mancang didn't dare to compete with him, but he hugged Xu Xu.

"Xusheng, let me go! She can slander people casually, so you still expect to reason with her?"

Ye Dayou finally came back to his senses, his hands were shaking with anger, his old eyes were red, he was staring at Ye Juxiang, the corners of his mouth trembling uncontrollably, "Don't do anything wrong with your heart, there is a god in your head. You, you--"

A young man can't bear such a big stimulation, he only felt the blackness in front of his eyes, and his whole body was already on the verge of collapse, Ye Zutian and Ye Zongtian beside him were so frightened that they hurriedly supported his arms and patted his back, "Dad , Dad, take your breath away, don't hold it in your chest."

Ye Juxiang also suffered a great blow when her father said that there is a god with her head raised three feet. Her tense body shook slightly, and she almost sat down on the ground in relief.

Wei Qiufang was also guilty, her heart was beating so hard that she could hardly control it.

"For the sake of grandpa, I didn't want to go into the details, but instead of restraining yourself, you even intensified, talking nonsense, making up random things, and ruining the reputation of scholars in this way. Do you really think that the laws of Ming Dynasty are just a display?"

Ye Xusheng spoke lightly, without a trace of exasperated anger in his tone, as if he was just a bystander when something happened to someone else.

However, He Xin'er was a little annoyed, her clear gaze was directed towards that woman who would do everything she could to drag her cousin into the water.

"My big hall brother is an upright man, with a bright wind and a bright moon, how can he be slandered by you at will! We won't forget about it like this, you just wait for the summons from the county government!"

Both Ye Juxiang and Wei Qiufang's mother and daughter froze, and their hearts were filled with fear and fear.

But Ye Juxiang still didn't give up, she forced herself to keep her face calm, and shouted, "You yellow-haired girl, who are you scaring, when the county government is run by your family—"

"Although the county office is not run by my He family, my father and the county magistrate are close friends. It is not a problem to ask him to handle a small case impartially."

A mellow baritone voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, very magnetic, but the tone was cold and powerful.

People blocking the front will automatically give way.

He Jiaheng and He Jiajie, dressed in brocade clothes, walked over with sullen faces and full momentum.

"Fourth sister, tell me, whoever doesn't have eyesight dares to bully you, I can't cut him to death!"

He Jiajie's face was full of ruthlessness, his eyes were dark.

He Jiaheng also said, "Who scolded my fourth younger sister just now? The dignified Miss He Fu, how can you allow people to insult me ​​at will, thinking that there is no one in my He family?"

Facing the powerful and dignified two sons, Ye Juxiang shrunk her neck subconsciously. How could she have forgotten Ye Xiner's current identity.

Wei Qiufang was also dumbfounded, and after seeing the clothes of the He family brothers, she suddenly regretted it. She knew that Ye Xusheng was so difficult to deal with, so why would she want to gain fame and rely on him.

No matter how rich Lao Ye's family is, they can't compare to the big families in the county.

Oh, you shouldn't be impulsive.

But Ye Dayou's family was collectively silent.

It doesn't count if the dead thing offends the Ye family, but it's also rushing to offend the He family. Are they vegetarians?

The sisters-in-law of the Ning family even wished they could tear up that shameless mother and daughter so that there was no scum left.

Ye Xusheng, He Xin'er, and Ye Yuanyuan greeted the He family brothers one after another. After the conversation, He Jiajie stared at Ye Juxiang with a dark face, "You scolded my fourth sister just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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