Chapter 1872 This is very happy

He Xiner was very annoyed at the behavior of the mother and daughter of the Wei family, and made up her mind not to let the two of them go, she would definitely make them suffer, but if it involves human life, that's another matter.

They are not guilty of death.

It's scary to think about it.

She can't be that cruel.

He Xiner thought to herself, with this lesson learned, after thinking about it, she would lend them courage and not dare to slander her cousin again.

So, under the cooperation of old Yuan Shi, she reluctantly agreed to spare them this time, but asked Ye Juxiang to apologize to Ye Xusheng in front of everyone.

Ye Juxiang, who was already frightened into a fool, dared to say no, she didn't care about embarrassment at the moment, she stumbled and admitted her mistake, saying that she was deceived by lard, and then said that she would never dare again.

For Ye Xusheng, it doesn't matter whether he apologizes or not, he has already written down the account, and he is not trying to get back the situation.

For such an excellent product, He Xiner was delayed for half an hour, and He Xiner felt sorry for the wasted time, so she didn't bother to look at them anymore, bid farewell to Ye Dayou, Ye Zutian and the others, and hurried home.

She hasn't had a good talk with her parents yet.

Brothers He Jiaheng and He Jiajie naturally got together and put aside the bad things. He Jiajie became excited again, dancing and talking about Dabai's hunting.

He Jiaheng on the side watched the interaction between the two, his eyes gradually darkened, a complex and unspeakable emotion came to his heart, and his hands slowly tightened.

When he turned out of the alley and walked towards the North-South Street, he turned his head and looked at the courtyard of the Ye family's big house, which was Miss Ye's home~
He was a little melancholy.

I had a chance to take a look, but was delayed by an unknown person.

When the group returned to the second room of Ye's family, they saw an oven set up in the yard, the charcoal was already burning brightly, Cao's was cutting meat in the sun, Bai's, Wang's, Ye Mangui, Chen Xing and others all looked at him. Wearing skewers.

He Xin'er ran over, hugged Wang's arm, and rubbed her little head affectionately on her shoulder. She was smiling all over her face and her eyes were bright, "Mother, why do you think of eating barbecue in this cold weather?"

Looking at the girl who was as good as a little milk cat, Wang's heart felt soft. If her hands were not covered with oil, she would have been unable to resist touching her little face.

She laughed and said, "Dabai went to the mountain to hunt two wild boars and came back. Mangui said that it was a long time since he had barbecued meat. Thinking about this, he also said that he would let the two He Gongzis have a taste of this."

He Xiner nodded and said, "It's warm today, but it's not cold at all to eat barbecue in the yard."

Ye Yuanyuan curled her lips at the side, "Second Aunt, my fourth brother is just greedy, and it's his excuse to tell Brother He and the others to try something new."

"Yuanyuan still sees clearly."

"Ha ha--"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Ye Mangui's wheat-colored skin was flushed. He smiled and said, "After the meat skewers are grilled, Yuanyuan is not allowed to eat them."

The little girl Wang Jinling giggled, "Sister Yuanyuan loves barbecue, so she won't eat less."

Bai Shi, Wang Shi and the others laughed again, Ye Yuanyuan who was teased was not annoyed, she shook her head like an old pedant, but her voice was as clear as a bell, "Sister Ling'er, who knows me~"

"Ha ha--"

The women and maids laughed heartily, and the gentlemen at home were also happy to hear it. When Miss Xin came back, the house was extraordinarily lively.

Chen Xing dutifully did what he was doing. He threaded the meat skewers at an extremely fast speed. After a while, the dustpan with a layer of greased paper was piled up as high as a hill.

He never raised his head, let alone looked at He Xiner, but all his attention was on her. Her spring-like laughter was very pleasant, and it was the most beautiful voice in his world.

Wisps of sweetness wrapped around his heart, he thought this is the feeling of happiness.

Yes, this is very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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