Chapter 1877

"It's the first time I've seen someone grill meat like this, and the taste is surprisingly good."

He Jiaheng sighed while working.

"In the hot summer, drinking ice-cold wine and eating delicious kebabs makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Brother, you can try it in Dingfuju, this business can be done."

He Xiner took off the meat and fed it to Dabai, but she couldn't keep up with his eating speed, so she was extremely busy.

Seeing this, Ye Xusheng also helped to rub the meat, his eyes fell on her face from time to time, as tender as water and tender.

The busy He Xiner raised her head, smiling brightly, startled Chen Xing who happened to look over, and hurriedly lowered her eyes to avoid it, her heart was already pounding.

He Jiaheng's face was full of surprise, "Can Dingfuju use this method?"

"What's wrong? Brother, you can use it if you want."

"The eldest brother thanked the fourth sister first, and I will give you a dividend of the silver."

"Brother, you're welcome. Besides, there's no such thing as a simple barbecue method. I don't have such a big face to get a share."

He Jiaheng smiled, his dark eyes were shining with stars, and the corners of his lips were pursed in a happy arc. It feels really good to have a smart and capable younger sister.

A group of people didn't want to eat too much, they just liked the relaxed atmosphere, as He Xiner said, it was cozy and at ease, talking and laughing while eating the barbecue, their hearts were bright and carefree.

This super-long lunch didn't end until near Shenshi.

Dabai hunted a lot of wild game, two wild boars, many pheasants and rabbits, and one roe deer, and all the untouched ones were loaded into He's carriage, which made He Jiajie so happy that he couldn't see his teeth.

He Jiaheng was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the Ye family's gentlemen, so he moved to the car in a few moments, so it was difficult for him to refuse.

This time, she had a lot of fun, and she was accompanied by her eldest brother back and forth. He Xiner was happy in her heart, and she didn't feel sad when she was about to leave. She just kept telling Wang to take care of her health.

But Ye Laiyin and his wife told her that the weather was cold, and there might be heavy snowfall one day, so don't go home before the new year, and it won't be too late to get together again when the weather is warmer in the new year.

What's more, after the next year, Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin will go to the county to buy a house, and there will be more opportunities to meet each other in the future, so there is no need to rush back in the cold.

There was still one and a half months before the new year, and He Xiner felt that this time was acceptable, so she readily agreed, said goodbye to the big guys, and helped Ye Xusheng's hand into the carriage.

The little milk cat took it with him again, and Dabai also automatically followed. The He family brothers saluted with everyone, said goodbye politely, and returned home in a good mood.

He Jiajie, who had been playing for a whole day, was still very excited, hugging Dabai was just a show of praise, and he wanted to lure him back.

He Jiaheng closed his eyes and meditated, recalling every detail of getting along with Ms. Ye. She is called Brother He, and she said thank you...

After a day of fuss, He Xiner was tired, without Dabai's hug by the stove, she slept on a soft pillow.

Ye Xusheng put the little milk cat aside and closed his eyes to rest.

Speechless all the way.

When we arrived at the county seat, it was dark at dusk, and the shops on both sides of the street were already lit with glazed lamps.

The He family brothers admired Ye Xusheng a lot. Who could ignore the talents in Class A? They all wanted to be friends with each other. The original intention was to invite him to stay overnight in the house and arrange a carriage for the family to take him to the academy tomorrow morning. It was declined by Ye Xusheng.

So, He Jiaheng ordered the groom to go to Qingyun Academy first, and then drive back after sending the person off.

After all this tossing, it was a bit late when they returned to the He Mansion, and when the three brothers and sisters quickly washed and changed their clothes and rushed to the flower hall, it was already the right hour.

The family feast has begun.

The old lady sat upright, with a serious expression and deep eyes. When she glanced at He Xin'er, a dark light flashed in her eyes.

The white-eyed wolf who eats inside and outside, eats and uses the He family, but his heart is all on the Ye family, what is it if it is not a white-eyed wolf?
(End of this chapter)

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