Chapter 1892 It will be alright

He Xiner nestled shyly in the arms of her eldest brother, her fair little face was blushing, her delicate cherry lips were bright red and moist, and the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were full of tenderness.

Ye Xusheng patted his little head gently, let her go, got out of bed and poured a glass of water for her, and drank some at will, before going to bed again and holding him in his arms.

The howling of the cold wind outside became louder, and the doors and windows made slight noises.

Ye Xusheng patted the person in his arms, and said warmly, "Big brother won't be here tomorrow."

"Well, it's really cold..."

At this moment, He Xin'er was already sleepy and drowsy. When he heard what he said, she closed her eyes and responded, but she suddenly felt something was wrong. She tried her best to open her eyes and looked up at him with a slightly dazed expression on her face. , "What's the matter, brother?"

Ye Xusheng raised his hand to caress her face, and his tone became more and more soft, "It's nothing small, I'm just afraid that you will worry, so I'll tell you first. Be good, go to sleep."

He Xiner blinked, blinked again, her dazed brain gradually cleared up, and she looked at the other party calmly, "Brother, don't lie to me."

According to his temperament, as long as he is in the county at night, he must come over.

She widened her almond eyes, "Could it be something at home?"

A dark light flashed in Ye Xusheng's eyes, and he gently pecked at the center of her brow, almost dripping water, "Don't think about it, the family is fine."

That's right, I just came back from home yesterday, everything is fine, there is nothing wrong with it.

He Xiner frowned slightly.

"Xin'er, be good, don't frown."

"Then the big brother is not allowed to hide from me."

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered slightly, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, and he muttered slightly, "I don't know who reported the matter of my grandma's imprisonment to the academy."

He Xiner was shocked, she sat up abruptly, her face full of surprise, "Someone wants to ruin the future of the big brother."

Ye Xusheng immediately sat up and hugged him in his arms, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Like coaxing a child, he patted her gently, unbelievably gentle.

He Xiner thought that when the old godmother was imprisoned, the eldest brother had saved her hand, she felt relieved, and then thought that if someone targeted the eldest brother, maybe they would also target the old Ye family, she frowned again.

"Do you want to go home tomorrow?"

"Well, go back and have a look. It's best if nothing happens. If something happens, I'll find a way."

"I'm with you."

He Xiner's face was solemn and her gaze was firm.

The Ye family is her home, it has always been, and she can't stand by and watch when there is something going on at home.

Besides, she doesn't worry about her mother going to the adults, her father can stand up to the troubles, and the uncle, the big brother, etc. are also able to stand up to the troubles, even if people use the workshop to talk about things and find fault, they will not panic, but she is afraid that the mother will go up Adults will be worried.

Ye Xusheng's heart softened, and he pressed his forehead against her and said softly, "Don't worry, it's fine. You stay at He's house obediently and wait for my news."

Seeing that the little girl did not let go, he gently pecked her cheek, and his voice became deeper and deeper, "When Uncle Zhang and Dong Qiang left, I told them that if I need something, I will call their people."

The radiance in He Xiner's eyes was shining brightly, and she clapped her hands happily, "Hey, with General Zhang covering him, let's see who dares to lay hands on the Ye family."


Ye Xusheng laughed happily, "Don't worry now?"

He Xiner frowned again, "Mother, she is pregnant and can't be frightened, I'm afraid of her..., ah, I still have to go with the big brother, otherwise I don't feel at ease."

"Xin'er, don't worry. This is just our guess, that person may not attack the Ye family. Maybe he only targets me."

He Xiner raised her eyes to look at him, "Brother Hall has not been in Qingyun Academy for a day, why would someone suddenly play tricks?"

She suddenly thought of something, and her heart moved slightly, but it was impossible to think about it.

It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable. The He family brothers just found out yesterday that the hall brother is in Class A of Qingyun Academy, and today he was stabbed in the back by someone. It's really a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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