The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1894 Luohua What Did You Say?

Chapter 1894 Luohua What Did You Say?

He Xiner closed her eyes, thinking about things quietly.

Lao Ye's family has always been responsible for not causing trouble, and has no enmity with others outside, and has no enemies in the village. Who is so vicious to ruin the future of the eldest brother?
The big hall brother is calm and calm, and he has a measure of advance and retreat, and he will not argue with unnecessary disputes or form any deep hatred.

The problem is not with my family.

That is, the workshop built in the family was too popular, and it attracted the eyes of those who wanted to attack the old Ye family, but was afraid that the big brother would take revenge after he got the honor, so he simply destroyed the future of the old Ye family first.

He Xiner opened her eyes and let out a long breath.

Although the big hall brother didn't say it clearly, he was worried about this, so he had to rush home today.

Her thoughts were scattered, she thought about it here and there, but after much deliberation, she still decided on this reason.

In this way, the person behind it may not be known to them, and maybe the other party has a lot of background.

After all, the business profit of spicy sauce is really attractive.

He Xiner raised the pink pig and smashed it down on the head, it's all her fault!

Or she was too anxious.

It's not like I didn't think about it at the beginning. Before the big brother has won the fame of Juren, don't make too much noise, just quietly earn some money to spend, and buy Zhuangzi or something, you need to wait until the big brother has the fame. on the agenda.

Why can't I hold back~
He Xiner hugged the pink pig and rolled inside. The depression in her heart didn't diminish at all, she rolled out again, as if she was in a better mood, she rolled again.

Luo Hua was wearing a long jacket, and when she walked into the dormitory shivering from the cold, she saw the gold-woven curtain shaking violently, and inside the hazy tent, her young lady was rolling around.

She was so surprised that her eyes widened, and all the jackets on her body fell to the ground. She didn't bother to pick it up, and hurriedly called out, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? Is it a stomachache?"

After walking two steps in a hurry, I realized that my body was cold. I turned a corner and lay down on the smoker cage. I rubbed my hands quickly, and felt that it was almost done. I took two or three steps forward and lifted the curtain, "Miss, you How do you feel, do you want to call the doctor?"

When she yelled for the first time, He Xiner heard it, and immediately realized that the appearance of her rolling around really looked like she had a stomachache. She felt ashamed, so she hurriedly lifted the brocade quilt under her body, swished Drilled in.

Close your eyes and pretend to sleep.

This will be woken up, she slowly opened her eyes, her face was full of bewilderment, "Luo Hua, what did you say?"

falling flowers...

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Something happened."


Luo Hua was in a hurry, "What's the matter, Miss?"

"I don't want to get up, I don't want to say hello, I don't want to go to school."

He Xiner feels wronged. .

Luo Hua was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed so hard that she was right. She was indeed rolling around on the bed, not because of a stomachache, but because she didn't want to get up.

"Ouch, miss originally wanted to stay in bed, cluck cluck—"

Xiao Yu came in with a few little maids, carrying hot water and other things, "It's so early in the morning, why are you laughing, why don't you wake up the waitress quickly."

It's okay not to mention getting up, but when it comes to getting up, Luo Hua, who just stopped, couldn't help laughing, and laughed until Hua Zhi couldn't stop laughing.

He Xiner also raised the corners of her lips.

The eldest brother told her not to think too much, so she put it aside and didn't bother anymore.

She believes in the eldest brother.

He is already a successful man, and with the help of Uncle Zhang, he will be fine.

Wei Yu pushed Luo Hua out dumbfounded, and helped He Xiner get up by herself.

He took a jacquard satin brocade dress with colorful flowers and flying butterflies, and a skirt sprinkled with flowers and clouds, "Miss, can you wear this suit today?"

Her young lady's clothes are really quite a lot, and these two pieces are brand new and brand new.

He Xiner hugged the pink pig and looked over lazily, it was too fancy, she didn't buy it herself, oh, when Gongzhong was making winter clothes, the fabrics and styles should have been shown to her, but Jiang shi used her There is no excuse for time, so I make my own decisions.

She frowned, and wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she said, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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