Chapter 190 Don't give up

Seeing the envious faces of his father and three around the cow, the eyes of the old man driving the car flickered, do you want to mention his eldest grandson again?
Although the old Qian also envied the cow, he was not as excited as the man after all. He was a little anxious when he saw these guys walking around the cow lovingly, but today he cooked meat and vegetables, and she was waiting to eat it.

"Old man, it's noon, everyone should be hungry and eat first."

"Yes, yes, let's eat first"

Lao Ye came back to his senses, and greeted the old man, "What's your name, brother?"

"My surname is Shi"

"Brother Shi, let's go, wash your hands, the food is ready"


Old Qian ran to the backyard in a hurry, first looked at the dishes, and saw a large bowl of shredded potatoes, a large bowl of chili fried pork, half a bowl of bone soup, and a basket of pancakes. He nodded in satisfaction.

"Reserve a small half of this potato, two bowls of chili fried pork, and don't keep the slippery soup after drinking it in the morning. I will serve the whole thing to the old men. Except for the potatoes and peppers, I will also take it to the hall."

Mrs. Wang and He Xiner quickly agreed, and they ran twice to serve the food and dishes with chopsticks and bowls. In the front yard, Ye Laiyin brought water for the two old men, washed their hands, and sat in the main room gossiping .

Seeing He Xiner rushing in and out, Old Man Shi's eyes shone brightly, and he said to Old Man Ye with a smile: "Brother Ye's granddaughter is capable."

Old Yetou was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't show it on his face, "Well, Brother Shi is right, he is a good boy."

Ye Laijin kicked Ye Laiyin under the table, and gave him a wink. It seems that Mr. Shi still doesn't give up?

Looking at his elder brother lightly, Ye Laiyin shook his head slightly, he didn't want to be a son-in-law like a fool!
Old Master Shi laughed, "My family has six granddaughters, none of whom are as good-looking as this girl. I like your girl when I see her!"

The curtain of the main room was raised, and Ye Xusheng walked in.

"Sheng'er, this is Mr. Shi"

Seeing his son coming in, Ye Laijin hurriedly called his son, but he couldn't find a reason to divert the conversation just now.

"Boy Ye Xusheng has met Mr. Shi"

Ye Xusheng made a bow.

Old Master Shi was a little surprised, "Is this kid a scholar?"

Finally, without talking about Xin'er, Ye Laijin hurriedly replied, "Well, I'm studying in a private school, and I can read a few words."

Ye Laiyin on the side also breathed a sigh of relief, "Yeah, this kid is good at studying, and my husband often praises him. Xin'er's kid likes her eldest brother the most, saying that he is full of books."

His two brothers sang together, what else does Mr. Shi not understand?
Feeling a little lost in my heart, I smiled with the corners of my mouth open, "Well, I'm good at studying and have a bright future."

The two sons talk too much?

Old Yetou was puzzled in his heart, but Mr. Shi praised his grandson, so he didn't care about whether the two were normal or not.

Cheerful "Borrowing old brother Shi to say a good word"

Say "eat, eat"

The main room was full of gentlemen, Ye Xusheng was the youngest, he hurried forward to scoop up a bowl of bone soup for all the elders.

Mr. Shi looked at the soup in the bowl and wondered, "What kind of soup is this?"

Speaking of this soup, Lao Yetou had a bright face, and said with a smile, "This is bone soup, made by the second girl, hehe, not only the soup, but also these dishes are made by that girl, brother Shi, how does it taste?"

There was a big bowl of shredded potatoes, and a big bowl of fried pork with chili. Mr. Shi’s eyes flashed with confusion. He thought his family was poor when he saw that they had no cattle. A book reader.

He lowered his head and took a sip of the soup first, his eyes lit up. The soup tasted good, and he drank a couple more sips, that girl was really capable.

"Brother Shi eats vegetables, don't be shy"

"Hey, good, eat all, eat all"

Mr. Shi first picked up a chopstick and ate the shredded potatoes, "The sourness and saltiness are moderate, crisp and refreshing, this dish is well done."

Lao Yetou chuckled, "Try this chili fried pork again, home-grown chili, not spicy"

"Okay, I'll try it"

"Well, it's delicious. It's really made by a little girl? It's not bad compared to the dishes in restaurants."

"Hehe, can you still lie to my elder brother? It's all done by the second girl."

Old Master Shi's heart was itching, what should he do if he really wanted to kidnap him and go home?
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(End of this chapter)

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