The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1909 Don't Mention This Again

Chapter 1909 Don't Mention This Again
Songhetang's maids and mother-in-law are not qualified to come to the old lady, not even to enter the hall, let alone the bedroom.At this time, they are all busy with their work.

Begonia and Yulan, who are the big maids, have just come on duty, and Qiangwei is in the small kitchen watching people make bird's nest porridge for the old lady.

There are also four second-class maids who tidy up the house, and they tidy up and retreat early.

Only Shao Yao and Nanny Ji were around the old lady, and the three of them were still in the dormitory and did not go to the hall.

After Mother Ji took the brocade box, she put it on the dressing table casually. After the master and servant laughed, she stretched out both hands, gently supported the box body with one hand, and opened the lock with the other hand, and said with a smile, "The gift box made by Yunjin It looks expensive, the things inside must be even more precious..."

The old lady smiled all over her face, her eyes were fixed on the brocade box, and even Shao Yao looked over curiously.

It took only two breaths to open the brocade box, and the contents inside suddenly appeared in front of their eyes. All three of them were stimulated by the bloody scene, and they let out a shrill scream, "Ahhh——"

The one who accepts incompetence the most is Shao Yao. After all, she is still young and grew up in the inner house. When she saw such a bloody thing, her face paled with fright, and she squatted on the ground, hugging her head and shivering into a ball.

The blood on the old lady's face faded instantly, and her face became as pale as paper.

She also received a great shock, her whole body was on the verge of falling, almost dizzy.

Nanny Ji was the most calm, suppressing the fear in her heart, covered the brocade box with trembling hands, and then quickly withdrew her hands as if she had been burned.

"This this……"

Even if she followed the old lady and did such insidious things, now she is also frightened by the four bloody hands inside.

Back then, the old lady had a romantic nature, and the aunt had a lot of maids in the room. If the old lady hadn't been cruel, there might be many concubines.

And she is the one who does the work.

Therefore, she has seen blood on her hands.

But how can those shady things behind the scenes be compared with directly facing the blood?

Therefore, Nanny Ji was also terrified and bewildered, at a loss for what to do.

The atmosphere in the entire dormitory was so strange that it was depressing. Holding Peony with her head curled up, she trembled uncontrollably and her teeth rattled.

The old lady only felt a cold air rising from the soles of her feet, and instantly spread all over her body, as if entering an ice cave.

Nanny Ji tried her best to maintain clarity, suppressed the strong discomfort in her heart, and quickly worked her brain to think of a way, "This matter must not be spread..."

Although she only glanced at it and there were some things that hadn't been proved yet, she instinctively thought of one thing, so she didn't dare to be careless.

Just as she was about to say something, the eldest maid Qiangwei rushed in with a few second-class maids, "Madam, are you alright?"

The old lady kept a pale face and said nothing, while Ji Nanny said from the side, "A mouse came out of nowhere, which startled the old lady, and Shao Yao was also very frightened."

She tried her best to smooth things over, and after she said a few words, the fear in her heart dissipated a little, she gradually calmed down, and said, "Go and make some soothing soup."


Qiangwei responded repeatedly, and said, "The old lady's room is always clean, why are there mice?"

She was about to order a few maidservants to clean up the house again, when she heard Mother Ji say, "All the rooms will come to pay their respects in a while, there will be no time to take care of that thing, and we will talk about it at night."

Glancing at Shao Yao who was still trembling, she said again, "Keep your mouths shut, don't mention this again."


It is too embarrassing for the rat to run out of the old lady's dormitory, so I can't talk about it. All the maids understand this truth, and there is no doubt that there is something hidden in it.

Nanny Ji bent down to help Shao Yao up, and said in a warm voice, "Go back and drink the Anshen Soup and rest first, don't be in a hurry to come on duty."

She held each other firmly with both hands, and stared straight into her eyes, "Don't think about that thing anymore, just sleep well and wake up. Go."

Shao Yao obediently agreed, and was helped out by a little maid.

(End of this chapter)

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