The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 192 Does Your Mother Have No Private Money?

Chapter 192 Does Your Mother Have No Private Money?

Pulling the dog's tail grass in her hand, He Xiner walked unhurriedly. Suddenly, she felt uneasy about being stared at. He Xiner's heart beat a little faster. She turned her head and looked back. There was no one on the road, could it be Thinking too much?
Just as he was thinking about running away, he heard Ye Yuanyuan's voice "Er Ni, Er Ni" from afar.

Why do you still call me Erni?

Oh, I haven't told my friends yet after changing my name!
Ye Yuanyuan was in the front, and Guan Cuizhi also shouted "Er Ni, Er Ni" from behind

Seeing her little friend, He Xiner's tense heart instantly relaxed, and she looked back to see that no one was there, but she didn't feel like she was being stared at.

Shaking his head, don't think about it anymore.

He trotted over to meet his little friend, "Cuizhi, Yuanyuan, I was just looking for you."

"Erni, look at my hands are like old tree bark, woo woo"

Ignoring the heat, Ye Yuanyuan sells out first~
"This girl is here again"

Guan Cuizhi joked in the back, "No matter who you meet, the first thing you do is to stretch out your hand for others to see. It seems that a word of comfort from others will make you look better!"

"You don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, and your mother raised you so white and tender, how can you know my suffering!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, and she suppressed a smile, "What are you doing?"

"Rub corn grains at home! My grandma said that women do the job of rubbing corn, and all the corn in the house is rubbed by me, my mother, and a few aunts and cousins."

It was so!
He Xiner thought about the reason why she and her mother didn't do this job, she really had to thank her aunt, oh, former aunt~
Guan Cuizhi comforted, "I'll take care of it after winter."

"It's so easy, oh! I'm so pitiful."

Seeing her say that, He Xiner felt uncomfortable: "You come out to play, your grandma won't say anything about you, will she?"

"Now the homework is almost done, my mother let me play"

"Ah That's good"

Pulling Ye Yuanyuan's little hand, He Xiner took a closer look, and saw that the originally delicate little hand was indeed much rougher. The weather was still warm, but there was no deep cut, but it was dry and rough to the touch.

"You soak your hands in hot water at night, and it would be fine if you applied facial fat a few times"

"Really? But I don't have facial fat?"

Ye Yuanyuan's face was overjoyed at first, then she immediately drooped her head, because her mother didn't have money to buy it for her.

Suddenly she raised her head and asked Cuizhi, "Cuizhi, how much did your mother buy you for the facial fat?"

"I remember my mother said that it cost forty coins, and I bought it from Hongyan Fang, which specializes in rouge and gouache. My mother said that the things inside are very expensive, and this is the cheapest."

"Huh? The cheapest one costs [-] cents?"

"Yes, but grocery stores also sell them, and they should be much cheaper."

"It's useless to be cheap, I don't have a single coin"

"That's right, doesn't your mother have any private money?"

"My grandma is smart, my mother and four aunts don't even try to hide a copper coin"

Isn't it a little too careless to talk about private money in the village in broad daylight?

Since it's private money, of course it's behind someone's back?

He Xiner was dumbfounded by these two silly girls, "Let's go to the foot of the mountain, I'll tell you two things."

"What's the matter? Can't you say it here?"

Both Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi looked at her curiously, which made He Xiner a little helpless, "Uh, let's talk as we walk."

"Uh, uh, tell me"

As soon as she lifted her foot, Ye Yuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore, and shook He Xiner's arm to urge her.

Ha ha, I know her temperament is like this.

"The first thing is, I changed my name. From now on, I will be called Ye Xin'er. You guys will call me Xin'er. Don't call me Erni anymore."



Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi raised their volumes at the same time, screaming at He Xiner's left and right sides, almost deafening He Xiner's ears!

He Xiner helplessly covered her ears with her hands, "I seem to be deaf"!
(End of this chapter)

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