Chapter 1940
Dongmei raised her eyebrows, her smile deepened, "Oh~"

With a long ending, she said lazily, "Miss, please go ahead."

Jiaojiao raised Bu Yao on the topknot, and gave the two of them a disdainful glance, "So that the two girls know that the servant girl will be on duty in the front yard tomorrow, serving the distinguished guests of Uncle Yongchang's mansion." , you can get a few ounces of silver reward casually, which is not comparable to that poor and cheap stuff."

"Hey~, a poor guy who doesn't even have a big guy, and he's posing in front of me, tsk, tsk, he really doesn't know his face..."

He Yuru, who used the patriarch's name to overwhelm others, and who had always been unfavorable, was completely dumbfounded.

She knew clearly in her heart that her grandfather would never stand up for her for a small matter, but it did not prevent her from pulling the tiger's skin to scare people, and using it with ease.

But now it doesn't work.

He Yuru was furious.

As a servant, how dare she ignore the head of the He family?How dare you offend her?

He Xiuxiu was also extremely annoyed, the two looked at each other, and wanted to do something, forgive her as a servant, no matter how arrogant she is, she has no courage to sue them, the left and right have already turned their faces, so naturally they can't bear this useless air.

But it was obvious that Dongmei didn't give them a chance at all, and she left without a trace before the two of them finished discussing.

The two of them chased and searched around, but they didn't see her, so they had to stop the two maids and ask them to bring some tea and food, but they were told that they didn't care about the guest house.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were so angry that they could only go to the big kitchen to ask for something. At that time, the lady in charge of the kitchen and the cook had all gone to rest. A pot of hot water.

As for food, there is none.

The two of them, who were cold and hungry, were full of anger, but they had nowhere to vent it.

Now they finally know that the servants of the big family are not easy to mess with. If they really offend everyone, they still don't know how to trip them up. At that time, they will be the ones who will suffer.

He Yuru was annoyed and hated.

He Xiuxiu was angry and annoyed.

But he didn't dare to let his temper make trouble anymore.


He Xiner brought a group of maids to the Hefeng Building, asked for an elegant room, ordered a table full of signature dishes, and had a delicious meal.

Dabai and the little milk cat also ate their bellies.

After eating and drinking enough, He Xiner said that it was time to take a nap, and made Luo Hua, Wei Yu and the others giggle, so several maids hugged the cat, and some of the things, surrounded He Xiner happily Leave Hefeng Building.

After playing for a long time, the master and servants had a lot of fun and returned home happily.

And He Xiner did exactly as she said, after returning to Qingxin Youju, she washed up and went straight to bed and went to sleep.

Dabai sleeps at the foot of the bed, accompanying her.

One person and one dog, one on the bed and one under the bed, all asleep with their eyes closed.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu looked at each other and laughed silently. Their young lady was really tired. She lay down on the bed and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

The two gently lowered the curtain and quietly retreated out.

The little milk cat lying at Dabai's feet was also taken away.

He Xin'er was indeed a little tired. She took her maids to go shopping and never used the carriage in the mansion. In her words, walking around was like taking a walk to exercise her body, not better than lying in the carriage.

It took a long time to stroll here today. After eating, she said that she just walked all the way to digest food, and she didn't hire a carriage to travel. The master and servant were chatting and laughing, which was very lively, but also tired.

Back in Qingxin Youju, she didn't even bother to say anything, she just wanted to fall asleep.

He Xin'er slept very deeply this time, seeing the sun setting to the west, it was late and she hadn't woken up yet.

There was nothing to do, Luo Hua and Wei Yu didn't call her, they just ordered the little maid to prepare hot water and wash up at any time.

Almond tea, snacks, and fruits are also ready, and the lady can use it when she wakes up.

(End of this chapter)

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