The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1945 This person is probably full of water

Chapter 1945 This person is probably full of water
From afar, several women and Dongmei saw He Xiner, subconsciously restrained their breath, stood respectfully to one side, waiting to salute.

The girl in cardamom age is dressed in a snow-white fox fur, with a big snow-white dog, walking gracefully, graceful and elegant, with a natural elegance and noble temperament~
As soon as she arrived at the Chuihua Gate, Dongmei and the others quickly saluted respectfully.

The servants of the big family are the most good at worshiping the high and stepping on the low. At first, when He Xiner first returned to the He Mansion, there were many people who looked down upon and neglected him. In addition to the personal attendants and maids in each house and courtyard, no one dared to despise Miss Fourth.

He Xiner nodded lightly, and said crisply, "Everyone is excused."

The footsteps did not stop, still walking forward without haste, Dabai followed at the same pace, with light footsteps and elegant posture, like a noble prince.

He Xiuxiu looked at the snow-white fox fur on He Xiner's body with a complicated expression, and secretly gritted her silver teeth.

It's all because of that idiot He Yuru, who offended people from the very beginning, and later came up with a stupid idea, completely offended people, and made himself miserable.

She yelled and cursed secretly, as if she was an innocent person who had been implicated.

He Yugu on the side was full of jealousy and hatred, staring at the fox fur on He Xiner's body, the pair of tricks were almost stuck to it, the kind that couldn't be torn off.

At this time, He Xin'er had already walked a few feet away, but the two of them were still looking at her eagerly, standing motionless as if the soles of their feet had taken root.


Dongmei cast a disdainful glance at the two of them, and murmured angrily, "You're really poor, you can't look at a fox fur."

"Miss Dongmei's words are wrong. Miss Fourth's fox fur is priceless, not to mention country bumpkins, even we can't easily see it."

"That's right, none of the three young mistresses have used fox fur."

"Second Madam does have a fox fur, but the color is not pure, not as valuable as Fourth Miss' white fox fur."

"The ink fox cloaks used by the young masters are also expensive. I heard that each one costs seven to eight hundred taels of silver."

"Isn't the one on Miss Fourth's body cost a few hundred taels?"

The women all looked excited, as if they were the ones who owned the expensive furs, and the conversation was full of enthusiasm.

Dongmei rubbed her hands together and said, "I don't know the mothers, but today there are two blind people who call Miss Fourth poor. I really want to laugh my ass off, this person probably pretended to be stupid." water, cluck--"

Feeling that this matter was so outrageous that people were speechless, she laughed wildly, "Oh, my stomach hurts from laughing, giggling——"

The women naturally knew who she was talking about, because Xiao Xing, who was the most eloquent in Qingxin Youju, was the patriarch who went to meet with the housekeeper, and learned all the weird things He Yuru and He Xiuxiu did. Over and over again, there were quite a few servants present at the time, so this matter spread.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were stared at with disdain and disdain, and they were both ashamed and annoyed, their faces turned blue and red, and they were colorful, that was a wonderful sight.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, it was the time when self-esteem was the strongest, and he was used to being arrogant. Now that he has been squeezed out repeatedly, his mentality has already collapsed.

Especially He Yuru, her father is the patriarch, and she is the most favored girl in the family, she feels that she is superior, and she regards herself as the princess of the He family.

But now a few servants dare to give her shame, and under extreme embarrassment, they are unwilling and angry, burning with anger.

In a fit of rage, He Yuru couldn't care less about the consequences, jumped up and scolded a bitch, and rushed towards Dongmei like crazy, knocked her to the ground when she was caught off guard, and then stretched out without saying a word. greeted her in the face.

Ten fingers formed into claws, and with an anger that would destroy the world, he slammed down several claws hard, making Dongmei blood flow from the scratch.

(End of this chapter)

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