The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1960 He vowed not to be human

Chapter 1960 He vowed not to be human

Mrs. Jiang was eager to watch the excitement, and didn't care about the cold outside. She dressed neatly excitedly, and didn't have time to wash up, so she led a group of maids and women straight to Qingxin Youju.

At three o'clock, the darkest hour before dawn, the peaceful and lofty sky was pitch black, and the He Mansion under the night was extraordinarily quiet.

The white snow on the roof and the red lanterns on the porch reflect each other, making it quiet and quiet.

The cold wind howled, bitingly cold.

As the master, Jiang Shi was wrapped like a rice dumpling, with a thick rabbit fur cloak, otter skin lying on a rabbit, and a hot hand stove to keep her warm. She was not cold, but the biting cold wind blowing on her face. Feeling, if there is a knife cut, it is really uncomfortable.

The maids and women only wore tight-fitting jackets with narrow sleeves, and their outer covers were longer than armour. There were absolutely no hoods, lying rabbits, hand stoves and other items.

The eldest maid, Caixia, rubbed her hands from time to time, and secretly covered her face, she was really afraid that she would get frostbite on her face, and she would be ashamed to see others.

The others were similar, and when they were shivering from the cold, they were all afraid of getting chilblains.

Jiang shi, who was in high spirits, didn't care about the feelings of a group of servants at all, his mind was full of how He Xiner made a fool of herself, how her reputation was ruined...

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and her steps became faster and faster.

Qingxin Youju is located in a remote place, and Jiang Shi, who is eager to watch the excitement, is afraid of missing the good show. Her feet are like the wind, and she walks fast. In addition, she is dressed thickly. Secreted a layer of fine sweat.

She was pampered and pampered on weekdays, but when she rushed across the road like this, now she felt that her legs were not her own.

Just when she was exhausted and annoyed, she suddenly heard a sharp scolding voice, "Say! Where is He Xiner?"

Jiang's spirit lifted, his eyes lit up.

Haha, He Xiner's reputation was completely ruined by being blocked by outsiders early in the morning looking for someone.

Immediately, she felt clear-headed, comfortable all over, and even her stiff legs were not sore and swollen, and she was very energetic.

So, she curled the corners of her lips happily.

At this time, Qingxin lives in a secluded place at the gate of the courtyard, making a mess.

The five brothers Zhou Zurong, Zhou Zuping, and Zhou Zuan held the crazy Zhou Zuan tightly, and the two big white geese jumped and pinched him from time to time. The goose couldn't get close, and made Zhou Zurong's five brothers scramble.

Wei Yu and others hastily backed away, so as not to implicate innocent people.

She secretly gave Xiao Xing a few winks, signaling them to rush to rescue the soldiers, they nodded, and wanted to bypass the Zhou brothers and leave.


The sharp bamboo whistle sounded suddenly, startling everyone.

Zhou Zurong was stunned, the brat has been making a fuss for so long, but he hasn't seen the big dog, maybe he's not at home, but what does the sound of the bamboo whistle mean, isn't it?

"Don't make trouble, old six! The dog will be back soon, if you don't want to be photographed flying out again, you should leave quickly."

Zhou Zuping, Zhou Zutang and the others were even more frightened when they heard it, "Go, go."

"I'm not going! I'm not going!"

Zhou Zu'an, who felt that the top of his head was green, would not leave even if he said nothing. He was afraid of nature, but when he thought that the bitch woman was not there, and the dog was not there, he believed in the fact that she did not return at night. I can afford to be afraid.

No matter how powerful the dog was, it couldn't kill all of them.

And as long as he still has breath, he will fight that bitch to the end, and if he doesn't sink her, he swears not to be human!

Ever since Zhou Zurong's brothers arrived, Wei Yu and the others just blocked the way, but they didn't speak, no matter how many times he asked, they didn't respond to him.

Where is the lady, why should she tell a lunatic.

Seeing his crazy appearance, what if he rushes into the dormitory and hurts Miss?
Besides, you can't make sense with a lunatic, talking to him is a waste of time, so don't talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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