Chapter 1979 Is It Too Simple
It was raining just after sleeping in the fourth watch, and after only sleeping for an hour and a half, he got up and arranged various affairs.

The entire Qingxin Youju is brightly lit, as bright as day, and the maids and women are doing their work in an orderly manner, and the inside and outside are cleaned spotlessly.

He Xin'er in the dormitory was sleeping soundly, with a thick blanket under the bed, Dabai did not go out, and quietly accompanied her.

At about ten o'clock, Luo Hua carried the kitten into the dormitory lightly, put the kitten in the corner of the blanket, lit a candle, and called her to get up through the Jinluo curtain woven by Zhuanghua.

He Xiner was a little confused, "What time is it?"

"It's about ten o'clock now."

He Xiner wanted to cry, "What's the use of wishing birthday so early? I'll sleep again."

She didn't open her eyes at all, she muttered something in a low voice, then turned over, face inward and continued to sleep.

Luo Hua couldn't laugh or cry.

Ma'am, I'm used to sleeping late~
But today is the old lady's birthday, so I need to go to pay her respects earlier, if I go late, it won't look good.

He just saw that He Xiner was really sleepy, and he didn't want to disturb her, so he wanted to let her sleep for another quarter of an hour.

It can't be too late.

So, she retreated to the outside room and stared at the hourglass for timekeeping, motionless.

The door door slammed softly, the thick satin curtain was lifted, and the light rain came in with a cold air, rubbing his hands and asking in a low voice, "Miss, are you up yet?"

"not yet."

Luo Hua stared at Sha Yu with burning eyes, without blinking.

There is still something that Wei Yu doesn't understand.

She smiled lightly and shook her head, ignoring her, and went straight into the bedroom when her body was warmer, and woke He Xiner up with a gentle voice, "Miss, it's time to get up."

The drowsy He Xiner thought she had slept for a long time, so she didn't stay in bed anymore, she squinted her eyes slightly, stretched her waist, and slowly got up.

"What time?"

"It's not even a quarter of the hour."

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

Hesitating in his heart whether to continue to sleep, Wei Yu saw it clearly, couldn't help laughing, and said with a chuckle, the guests welcome the door today, unlike usual, the makeup needs to be carefully groomed, and the clothes must be carefully taken care of, so don't be careless, no You have to get up earlier to prepare, it's getting late, and you can't afford to delay.

She explained the reason softly and quickly, patiently as if coaxing a child, she said that there are those who are particular about it, it only takes more than an hour to get dressed and make up, and it is not too early to get up now.

"Miss Wei Yu has the potential to be a housekeeper at a young age, tsk, tsk..."

He Xin'er was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, her little head was tilted to and fro, and she looked as if she would lie back on the bed at any time and continue to sleep, her voice was not as crisp as usual, it was soft and sticky, like a coquettish child.

Luo Hua covered her mouth and sniggered, Wei Yu couldn't help but blushed, and said angrily, "Miss is used to teasing maidservants."

The master and servant chatted and laughed, He Xiner washed up in a daze under the service of the two, then sat in front of the dressing table with her eyes completely closed, allowing them to paint on her face.

"What kind of bun do you want the lady to wear?"

"Double spiral bun."

Wei Yu paused while holding the jade comb, and tilted her head to look at the sleepy He Xiner, "Is the double snail bun too simple?"

The double spiral bun is fresh and beautiful, it is the favorite hairstyle of little girls, and many maids in the mansion comb it.

On weekdays, it's okay for a young lady to wear this double snail bun, but today she is going to meet guests, so it's not too particular to wear a bun similar to that of a maid.

Of course, her sister has snow-skinned and beautiful appearance, and her temperament is beyond dust. Even the simplest bun is better than others.

It's too simple.

"Why don't the servants give the young lady a bun with the fragrance of facing the cloud?"

"Double snail buns are fine."

He Xiner's attitude remained the same, and Wei Yu had no choice but to comb her into a delicate double-snail bun.

Luo Hua was holding the dowry by the side, and said with a smile, "My servant just looked at the pearl flowers that Miss just added, they are very bright and beautiful, so I will bring this pair of pearl flowers today, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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