Chapter 1983

The old Dong could rely on his seniority to slander He Xiner, a junior, but he couldn't challenge the patriarch, let alone accuse him of being unfair.

As the wife of the patriarch, the old Han family must maintain his authority in order to protect the interests of his family, and must not say anything wrong about the patriarch.

Therefore, He Xiner's light words made the two half-baby old ladies speechless.

Above the smoker is the green smoke and fuzz, the fragrance is floating, the room is quiet, and the needles can be heard.

He Chu'er and He Qi'er looked at each other quietly, both of them felt a bit resentful, this He Xin'er was really tough, and would not take the slightest loss, making them even want to watch a good show.

The female family members of the He family, headed by the second wife, did not expect to see the old Han family and the old Dong family. They were obviously poor and dying, but they had to rely on their seniority. People are nothing more than face-saving.

When there is nothing to do, you can talk and laugh, and there is harmony and joy.

If something happened, but no one was willing to come forward to smooth things over and give the two of them a step down.

Watching the excitement is almost the same.

They wished that the two veterans would fight with He Xiner.

Only the old lady doesn't want to make trouble, today is her birthday, these two people are squabbling in front of her, don't they just make things difficult for her?
The old lady was unhappy.

As for He Xiner, it was all a feud, but she was afraid and didn't dare to show her face in the open.

She didn't want to see them both times, but she couldn't let them freeze.

The old lady was careful, and when the scene was cold and the old Han's face was almost unbearable, she opened her mouth and said slowly, "The children are still young, and there are some naughty ones. Wherever you are, you have to distinguish right from wrong. Come on, they are all sisters from my own family, if we say we have made a fuss, it will be over."

The scene was very beautifully spoken, and the unreasonable troubles between He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were lightly described as a joke between girls, which can be said to have given old Han and old Dong enough face.

The faces of both of them softened a lot.

"Fourth girl, get along well with the girls in the clan in the future, and don't play around anymore."

The old lady was so gentle that she looked at He Xin'er with a smile all over her face. She looked like a very doting and loving grandmother, which made He Chuer and He Qier's teeth sore.

He Xiner, who was called by name, hurriedly stood up, and responded obediently, "Yes, Xiner would like to listen to the old lady's teachings."

Her face was calm and her heart was calm.

The old lady secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at her like this, it doesn't seem like she can do such a cruel thing, but...

She stopped her thoughts in time and didn't let herself think too much.

Slightly calming down, the old lady turned to look at the old Han family, and smiled like a spring breeze, "The patriarch has always been strict in running the family, and he disciplined his children and grandchildren according to the rules, but girls are thin-skinned and not as naughty as boys, so why use the same method to discipline them? Girls will be embarrassed to meet people."

With the old lady making things right, the old Han had calmed down a long time ago, and seeing that she intended to intercede with the two maids, her heart became more and more satisfied, so she agreed with a few words with a smile, and for a while, the two old ladies talked and laughed happily again.

Even the old Mrs. Dong also made a few jokes with a shy face, hugging the old lady everywhere, and never forgetting to flatter her all the time.

The three old ladies with the highest seniority and status were all smiling and happy, and the atmosphere in the whole hall became relaxed.

"Let's just say that I said it. Bring the two girls here and play with their sisters. They will also be more affectionate and affectionate. They are all our own people, so it's not easy to be unfamiliar."

The old lady made the decision, and immediately a big servant girl responded to spread the word. Old Han and old Dong were even happier when they got what they wanted. Yes, the atmosphere is better.

A group of joy and harmony.

He Xiner drank tea and some water quietly, indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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