Chapter 1992 to rent a carriage

Zhou Zuan had been knocked out by Dabai before. When the carriage accident happened, he didn’t move because he was dizzy, so he was less injured than others. He didn’t break an arm or a leg, but his head was dizzy. So he is not as effective as Zhou Zutang who has a broken leg.

After raising it for a day and a night, he was able to stand on the ground with great difficulty. As a result, he was kicked by Zhou Zutang, which was more serious than before. He also became dizzy while lying on the kang, and he was in a trance and confused, as if his head had been poured with paste.

The old doctor in the medical center is skilled in medicine, gave Zhou Zuan an injection, and prescribed a prescription for relieving wind and dredging collaterals. He took the medicine and fell asleep for nearly two hours. When he woke up, he felt that his mind was clear and clear. a lot.

"What time?"

Zhou Zuan's face was gloomy, and he stared at Zhou Zutang with unfriendly eyes, but it was the servant beside him who asked.

"Back to Master Six, it's a quarter of an hour before noon."

"Go rent a carriage, I'm going to He Mansion to celebrate my aunt's birthday."


The boy opened his mouth wide in surprise, and Zhou Zurong and the others looked over in unison.

"Don't go soon!"

Zhou Zuan was still dizzy in his head, but sat up forcefully, even though he was annoyed, he didn't dare to yell loudly, seeing that the servant didn't move, his face became even more ugly, it was so cloudy that it was about to drip.

The boy named Fuzi was originally one of his people, so he dared not listen to his words, he just couldn't believe it, seeing him angry now, he hurriedly confessed his crime, and then quickly went to find the carriage.

Zhou Zutang sat on the kang with a soft pillow, seeing that he was going to toss again, he sneered and mocked, "What a shameless person."

"What's wrong with not being embarrassing enough before? If you dare to come forward, you won't be afraid that your cousin will beat you out in the street?"

Zhou Zuan was very annoyed in his heart.

If it wasn't for this bastard, they are still the guests of the He Mansion, so there would be no such troubles.

But this dead thing is a weird thing, it was shot flying by other big dogs several times, and it dared to move forward, it's not a weird thing.

"I'm warning you, don't be a bit of a demon moth, and stay honest. If you want to go to the He family, you are also going to the elder brother. I don't want to be dragged down to death by you."

Zhou Zutang was cursing, and his mouth was not quiet for a while.

The others remained silent with cold faces.

The boss, Zhou Zurong, was injured on his arm, but his legs and feet were also a little uncomfortable, and his face was bruised, not to mention how ugly the bruises were. Even if he was going to the He family, he would not choose a day like today.

I really can't afford to lose that person.

Zhou Zu'an, who was placed in high hopes by Mrs. Zhou, is the youngest in the family and the most educated man. He is the lifeblood of Mrs. Zhou.

Because he is good at reading, he is well-known in the academy. Even if he is a little left-handed, others will only think that he is a scholar, and no one has ever criticized him to his face.

For 15 years, he has been doing well.

But this time when he came to Lin'an County, he seemed to have plunged into the swamp, rolling all over his body in mud, and he was in a mess.

Even a worthless person like Zhou Zutang dared to beat him or scold him. It was really a tiger falling into the sky and being bullied by a dog, and a phoenix falling into the sky is not as good as a chicken.

And all of this happened because of that woman.

There seemed to be a raging fire burning in Zhou Zutang's heart. He clenched his fists and swore secretly that he must get the woman and slowly torture him in order to avenge her.

He took a deep look at Zhou Zutang, and suddenly grinned, but his eyes were ruthless, and his body was full of evil spirits. This smile looked very strange and frightening.

"I don't believe that He Hongjin dared to beat me out in front of all the guests. As long as his He family has a bit of face, he would not dare to beat up my aunt's natal family in the street on her birthday."

Zhou Zutang choked, and it seemed to be the same reason.

(End of this chapter)

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