The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1994 I have my own grandfather to call the shots

Chapter 1994 I have my own grandfather to call the shots
Zhou Zurong said with a straight face, "Lao Liu, if you still recognize me as the big brother, just listen to me, don't act rashly, everything will be decided by grandfather."

"Brother is saying that it's better to have your grandfather speak up than you to fiddle around."

Zhou Zu'an glanced coldly at Zhou Zutang who was talking, the dead thing dared to attack him, he took note of this grudge, and sooner or later he would settle it with him.

There was a bit of disdain and contempt in his eyes, and Zhou Zutang was so angry that he yelled, "Bastard, be careful that I dig out your sneaky trick!"

Among the six brothers, Zhou Zutang has a quick temper, and this one belongs to the firecracker.

If it wasn't for the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he would have jumped off the kang a long time ago and caught Zhou Zu'an and taught him a lesson.

Zhou Zu'an, who was being scolded, didn't seem annoyed, he still sneered lightly, the disdain and disdain in his eyes became more obvious, which only made Zhou Zutang yell.

Zhou Zuan just ignored him, and when the carriage was rented back, he slowly got up, stretched his sleeves, and didn't even look at Zhou Zutang. Fuzi's hand was about to leave.

"Quick, stop him!"

Zhou Zurong yelled at the two coachmen angrily, and they looked at each other, unable to make up their minds.

The Sixth Young Master has always been favored, it is the eyes of the old man, how dare they be rough?
Besides, the sixth young master is a small-minded person, if he offends, there will be no good fruit for him in the future.

"I asked you to stop people, did you hear me!"

Zhou Zurong yelled loudly, and then pointed at another boy with slumped shoulders and slumped quail, "And you, all of you, be sure to stop him!"

The three of them were so yelled at by him that they couldn't do anything, they strode past Zhou Zu'an and blocked the door.

Zhou Zu'an felt dizzy again, he just wanted to rest in the carriage to refresh himself, so that he could deal with the He family, and he was not in the mood to break up with a few servants.

He raised his hand and waved lightly, motioning for the other party to get out of the way. The trio who blocked the door secretly groaned. They couldn't afford to offend both of them. It's good that the young master is the eldest son of the eldest son, but in front of the old master, the sixth young master is the most shameless. Are they true? Don't dare to offend.

What's more, this is a person who can hold grudges, it's definitely not a good thing to be remembered by him.

Zhou Zuan's dizziness became worse, and he felt sick, so he closed his eyes to regain his energy, and confronted the three of them, putting pressure on them.

Sure enough, seeing his pale face and his precarious appearance, the three of them were terrified, really afraid that he would suddenly fall in front of them.

That's justified and I can't explain it clearly.

After half a stick of incense, Zhou Zu'an slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the three of them lightly, and said quietly, "If you don't get out of the way, I will hit you with my head. If you just faint like this, let's see how you explain to your grandfather."

The three looked at each other.

Zhou Zurong was so angry that his brows twitched, but he had to suppress his anger, and tried to speak to him in a friendly voice, "Lao Liu, this hurts the head. It is not a trivial matter, and it needs to be taken care of. You are a scholar, so you should be more careful." .”

"Calm down and hurt your body first. Grandpa is in charge of the marriage of the two families. He will definitely make your wish come true. Don't you know what grandpa is capable of?"

His brother Zhou Zuping also persuaded, "My aunt has always loved you. When you recover, you can act like a baby with her old man, and then have your grandfather help you intercede. It's all right."

"No matter how tough my cousin is, he has to listen to my aunt. As long as my grandfather and my aunt make up their minds about this marriage, my cousin has to accept it.

Why do you have to rush to the door to make trouble, if you let the cousin not get off the stage in public, then his temper will come up and he will say some unfeeling words, it will not end well. "

This can be regarded as a heart-to-heart statement, but it is a pity that Zhou Zuan does not listen to persuasion, he has made up his mind, and even nine cows cannot be pulled back.

He turned around and looked at the five elder brothers with bruised noses and swollen faces. He smiled faintly, with an unfathomable expression on his face, "I don't need my grandfather to show up. I can tell him, He Hongjin, to accept this marriage. And He Xiner, I will make her face it in front of me." In front of everyone, admit that she likes me."

(End of this chapter)

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