The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2020 Is this too coincidental

Chapter 2020 Is this too coincidental
It was night, Ye Xusheng, who received He Xiner's letter, really did not go to He's mansion in the snow, and only rested when he was studying alone. The next day, Yinshizheng got up and practiced dancing. He practiced for an hour, and it was still before dawn after taking a bath and eating.

The long-term rented carriage came to pick him up on time, and it was just dawn when he arrived at Qingshu Academy.

Ever since he plotted against Zhou Zuan, Ye Xusheng no longer bothered to take care of him.

He also knew He Hongjin's attitude that day, so there was no need to intervene.

It is also after seeing through Zhou Zuan's paranoid temperament that he has the previous calculations.

He would absolutely not allow the other party to tarnish Xin'er's reputation in front of all the guests.

So it's fine if he doesn't think about it, but if he thinks about it, it depends on whether his life is hard or not.

Not to mention, Zhou Zu'an is really a tough guy.

In a few days, he, a frail scholar, was hit hard one after another, and it was not easy to miraculously save his life.

Especially this last time, with vicious thoughts in his heart, he vowed to make trouble at the He family, catch He Hongjin by surprise, and take revenge on He Xiner, drag her into the bottomless abyss, and make her bear the burden. The notoriety of obscenity is cast aside by the world.

In the end, he was unlucky, and he was robbed halfway, not to mention the money, jade pendant and other things, and because of his rude words, he was beaten up, his brain was injured before, he was dizzy, and he was punched After that, he passed out directly.

At that time, Zhou Zurong and his brothers were annoyed with him, they were afraid that if he angered He Hongjin, they would really cut off this relationship, and make it impossible for them to communicate with each other again.

Several people were muttering and cursing, Zhou Zuan was carried in, the brothers were all shocked, and then they felt a cold feeling under their feet.

Is this too coincidental?

The brothers came to An County this time, and everything was not going well, especially Zhou Zuan, a weak scholar, was injured one after another, wave after wave without stopping.

It's really evil.

"Brother, do you think the sixth child is being targeted?"

When the boy came back, he simply said that when they met a villain, they went to boil hot water.

The blood stains all over his body, what will happen if he doesn't wash it off.

"It's just that he doesn't have anything, and he can't figure it out. Who would plot against him? I just look at him as an unlucky person..."

"He is not the only one who is unlucky. This time when he came to An County, everything went wrong."

"It's not all because of him!"

"Don't talk nonsense. The most important thing now is to save people first, and then talk about other things when they wake up."

Zhou Zurong opened his mouth heavily, and Zhou Zutang had no choice but to give up.

Pingli didn't wait to see Zhou Zu'an any more, and he couldn't just watch him put his life on the line, what should be saved should still be saved.

The doctor was in the front yard, and after finishing what he was doing, he hurriedly brought the little medicine boy to see the doctor, and said, "These are all skin wounds, that's all, just rub the medicine oil on it, it's this head." inside……"

After a pause, the old doctor said that Zhou Zuan had injured his brain before, and now that something like this happened again, it was hard to say when he would wake up.

In other words, Zhou Zuan may remain in a coma forever, and it will be difficult to wake up again.

Zhou Zurong and others were shocked, and begged the old doctor to save him, and the other party said they would do their best.

The old doctor gave Zhou Zu'an an injection, and prescribed a prescription, and after giving instructions, he went to work in the front yard.

But Zhou Zu'an never woke up.

Just when Zhou Zurong and his brothers were worried, the manager of the hospital came to chase them away, saying that they did not stay here for patients, and they had provided convenience for them, but they could not use this place as an inn for long-term stay.

Zhou Zurong had no choice but to send the young man around him to the He Mansion for help again, but was stopped by the porter again, even if the young man said that it would break the sky, he would not let him go, because it was the order of the Elder Master, never to associate with Zhou's family again.

After learning this from Zhou Zurong and the others, they were so angry that they scolded their mothers. He Hongjin was so cold-blooded and ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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