The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2033 I Don't Believe It

Chapter 2033 I Don't Believe It

There were two heavy snowfalls in a row, and the roofs, treetops, and walls were covered with thick snow. Occasionally, the cold wind blew, and the white snow resting on the treetops fell and scattered all over the ground.

The weather was extremely cold, and when the north wind blew, the dripping water turned into ice.

The cleaned bluestone brick floor was stained with snow water and a layer of frost, making it slippery and difficult to walk on.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were tightly wrapped in cloaks, shivering in the cold wind.

I didn't take the medication on time, and with the sudden fire attacking the heart, the high fever came back again. At least with the previous soup and medicine as a base, I didn't faint, but I still had bone pain all over my body.

Such a body should have been kept well in the house.

It's just that the two servant girls never came back, no matter how much they yelled, they couldn't see anyone. The four of them, old and young, were starving, and they were horrified to find that the temperature in the room was gradually getting colder. It turned out that the charcoal fire in the brazier had already been exhausted.

No one buys new charcoal, so it will naturally be burned out.

Not to mention the coldness in the room, even the heated kang beneath him didn't feel as warm as before.

All four were furious.

Relying on a burst of anger, he lasted for another half an hour, and it was difficult to support.

So, the old Han family sent He Yuru and He Xiuxiu to find someone.

She won't come out on her own, it's really cheap to waste time talking about two incomprehensible servants.

Naturally, Old Dong would not rush to argue with others because of stuttering, because he couldn't afford to lose that person.

Therefore, only a pair of unlucky children, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, braved the severe cold to find someone.

It's just that in this huge house, it's really not easy to find two little maids, they don't even know where each other is.

So I thought about finding someone to replace them.

Due to the cold weather, there were few servants outside, but they encountered one or two occasionally and wanted to catch them back to serve them, but they couldn't. They all said that they had their own jobs and should not leave without authorization.

This is still polite, but there is someone who has a bad temper, and immediately ran into a sarcasm, and the two of them were so angry that they almost couldn't hold back and wanted to make a move.

However, with the repeated confession of the old Han family, he did not dare to act recklessly, so he could only force himself to suppress his uselessness.

"Walking around outside, I can't find out the whereabouts of those two cheap hooves. Instead of worrying here, it's better to find the old lady. I don't believe that she can let us go."

At this time, He Yuru was burning badly, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were blurred, her limbs were limp and weak, her whole body was on the verge of falling, and she was so weak that she could be taken away by the wind at any time.

She felt that she was going to be unable to hold on any longer, and if she went on like this, she would have to fall down in the snow nest by the roadside.

"Then you should pay attention when you are in front of the old lady, and stop cursing people in spite of your temper."

He Xiuxiu was no better than her, her body was scalding hot, and she was already extremely uncomfortable when she was outside in the ice and snow, and she was able to support it for so long, but it was only supported by a burst of anger.


He Yuru, who was suffocating with anger, had long planned to take revenge on those two people, and he would definitely sue the old lady when she got in front of the old lady.

Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with He Xiuxiu's words, and was about to refute, when there was a roar in his stomach, and he couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and became more determined to fight those two people to the end.

Under the anger, with a wave of anger, she developed some strength, she kept her face tense and said nothing, and her steps became faster and faster, as if she was going to round her legs.

Seeing this, He Xiuxiu also became angry, she also kept her face sullen and said nothing, walking fast like her.

In the end, it was the two patients, their bodies were weak, and when they finally arrived at the gate of Songhe Hall, they were already sweating profusely and panting.

"The old lady is paying homage to the Buddha in the small Buddhist hall, and no one should disturb her."

(End of this chapter)

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