The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2038 Mrs. Lao 2 is bothered

Chapter 2038 Mrs. Lao is bothered

A trace of disdain flashed in Xu Nanny's eyes, but the speed was so fast that even a dignitary like Old Han didn't see it.

"The old slave Mrs. Xu pays respects to the two elders."

She looks a little round, with a big silver face, fair complexion, regular features, and a pair of eyes that are particularly energetic, and she can be seen as a shrewd and capable person.

Old Han narrowed his eyes slightly, forced a smile, "There is no need to be polite."

Then he asked, "I haven't seen Mama Xu before, so where is she working?"

Seeing that she started to put on airs and put on airs again, old Dong gritted his teeth with hatred, if he continued to chat like this lightly, she would starve to death.

"The old slave is the person in front of the second lady."

Xu's mother was a foot away from the kang, and replied with a smile, polite and decent, but she didn't say what she did.

Just when old Mrs. Dong was about to interrupt the meaningless chatter between the two of them, Mother Xu said again, "The second lady is thinking about the two old ladies, and she is afraid that the young girl will not do well because of her age." , so I sent two capable women to come and wait on me."

Hearing this, Old Han's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile, "Mrs. Lao is not worried."

"The old lady is polite. You are an elder in the family and a distinguished guest in the mansion. The second lady naturally wants to entertain you well."

The two of them chattered lively, but old Mrs. Dong was so anxious that she screamed, "We are going to freeze to death or starve to death in this room. This is also called good hospitality. Then Liu Do you think of the elders in the clan?"

Old Han frowned slightly, and called softly, "Siblings~"

It seemed that he disapproved of her behavior, and he hesitated to speak on his face.

Mother Xu's complexion remained unchanged after being yelled at, she still followed the rules, and replied gracefully and calmly, "The old lady is still ill, so it's not appropriate to get angry. If she gets angry for good or bad, those soups and medicines will be in vain."

Old Dong's body froze, and then he looked at her incredulously, "What do you mean, does she dare to leave us alone!"

"Brother and sister!"

Seeing that she was looking like she was going to turn against her, the more she said the more outrageous, the old Han hurriedly called her to stop.

Just when Xu's mother was calmly persuading Old Dong, she had already figured out the key to it, and in an instant, many thoughts popped up in her mind, and for some reason, she remembered the absurd idea before, and couldn't help but feel hairy .

To the second wife, Mrs. Liu, she was naturally extremely annoyed, but now that they lived and boarded in He's mansion, Mrs. Liu was the wife of the family, which meant that they were living under other people's hands.

Although thinking like this is a bit out of style, but the facts are here, it is useless to deny it.

Old Han was originally a shrewd person, and he was also smooth and sophisticated in dealing with things. He didn't blindly take Giotto big.

Such as flattering the old lady.

But in front of the juniors, she has always been very stylish, dignified and rigorous, gentle and generous.

Not to mention how she behaves in front of the clansmen in the village, even in the He family's mansion, the richest man in the county, facing the eldest wife, second wife and other female relatives, she is full of elder style.

No matter how rich his family is, he can't be disrespectful.

And as the wife of the patriarch, she naturally had to carry it, only in this way would she not be looked down upon.

But from what happened to her now, the old Han suddenly realized that she wanted to go wrong before.

Since Mrs. Liu dared to treat her so blatantly and lightly, it meant that she didn't think highly of her as an elder from the bottom of her heart.

That being the case, it is useless to make a noise.

It's just me who is ashamed.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through his mind, and the old Mr. Han forced himself to stop the old Mr. Dong who was going to blow up his hair. He endured the overwhelming anger and said a few words on the scene, saying that the little maid was ignorant, and the two The lady doesn't care.

Mother Xu replied with a smile on the side, saying that she would definitely report back to the second wife and punish those two incomprehensible ones. She spoke so earnestly and sincerely that those who didn't know would really be fooled by her.

Old Dong, who yelled and scolded with anger, felt his throat was on fire, and the pain was so severe that he couldn't say a word.

She glared at Xu's mother bitterly, her eyes were poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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