The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2050 What a great prestige

Chapter 2050 What a great prestige

"The patriarch's grandfather's words are a bit evasive and light. She, He Yuru, is going to sink my mother into the pond. How can she be easily brought over with a single rebuttal?"

He Jiayu and He Jiajie walked to the second wife's side early and protected her from the left to the right.

After hearing the patriarch's words, He Jiajie immediately slapped him in the face, showing no sympathy at all, let alone showing any scruples because of the patriarch's patriarch.

Ding Xingwang, a member of the He clan, has many members, but few of them are promising. They are the ones who do better, and they all rush up to fight the autumn wind. They are either borrowing money or looking for work. There is no end to it. I have long been tired of it.

Speaking of which, the relationship between their family and the clan is not close. It has been decades since his great-grandfather settled down in the county seat. Just the same clan.

It's just that they are holding on to the family tree and clinging to it.

He has always looked down on Da Qiufeng.

But those things had nothing to do with him, and he didn't bother to care about them.

Who would have thought that today, they would dare to bully their Erfang, so don't blame him for being rude.

He Jiajie is really not afraid of whether the patriarch is not the patriarch.

He Jiayu said coldly, "He Yuru is so majestic, she deserves to be a child of the patriarch's family."

The two brothers naturally supported their mother. The second young lady saw her and hurriedly stood behind the second lady. The eldest young lady and the third young lady looked at each other quietly, and moved over calmly.

So, He Chuer and He Qier also moved closer to the second lady, only He Xiner took Dabai and stood behind the old lady.

She was kind, afraid that He Yuru would rush over regardless, so she asked Dabai to watch over the old lady.

And how do you know what mood the old lady and Nanny Ji are in.

Obviously knowing that Dabai behaved like a milk cat when no one provoked him, so there was nothing to be afraid of, but they couldn't help but have ghosts in their hearts, and felt guilty~
Even if you are a little nervous in your heart, you can still overcome it.

But what is the situation now?
It actually stood beside them majestically!
The old lady was sweating profusely.

Mother Ji trembled in fear.

However, except for the elder He Hongjin who glanced thoughtfully, no one else paid attention to them.

"You bastard, why don't you kneel down and apologize to your second aunt?"

Patriarch roar!

From the moment the He Jiayu brothers took action, he knew that this matter would not be easily exposed.

Moreover, no matter whether it was the old lady, the elder master, or the second master, they did not stop their actions. It is self-evident what this means.

The patriarch's heart sank.

He managed to strike up a conversation with He Hongjin, but before he had time to mention the money, he was interrupted by He Yuru.

Naturally, I was angry.

It's just out of face that I thought of talking to her.

Who knows that people don't follow his style at all.

He was annoyed.

Having been the head of the patriarch for decades, he was used to being superior, and suddenly he was confronted by two juniors in public, and he suddenly felt that he had lost face and was very displeased.

However, he has deep thoughts, sharp swords and halberds, and can judge the situation. He is not He Yuru who will blow up when things go wrong.

So he yelled at He Yuru without hesitation!
First expose the stubble of Shentang, and then settle other accounts.

It's just nonsense that a child said when he was angry, and he apologized properly, and it passed.

The patriarch calculated very well.

But He Yuru doesn't know how to look at people, or maybe he believes that his status as the head of the clan is enough to suppress the entire He family, so he is not afraid at all.

"I don't want to apologize! She's just a heartbroken... ah—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw He Jiajie approaching him suddenly and raised his hand. He Yuru was so frightened that he screamed and hid to the side.


Then crisp applause resounded throughout the flower hall.

He Yuru wailed loudly with red and swollen cheeks.

The faces of the patriarch and old Han were uncertain, this slap was no different from hitting them in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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