Chapter 2052 What's the matter
The visitor came here as a guest, and also as a family member. He was supposed to be a good entertainer, but now he caused the old and weak women and children to cry, as if he had been wronged by the heavens. This was going to be spread out. Wouldn't her He family be punished by others? ridicule?

The old lady frowned in anger.

Not only can't understand the behavior of the old Han family, but also annoyed the troublemaker of the second wife.

But people are in her territory, making such a mess, she can't avoid it, so she has to be patient and comfort her.

"Sister-in-law, don't be like this. The children are young and aggressive, and they talk a little too aggressively. There is nothing in their hearts. Don't take it to heart, sister-in-law."

After a short pause, he said again, "If my sister-in-law has been wronged in any way, just tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

Old Han knew her temper well, and it was not easy to lower her body and say such a few words, so she just let it go, wiped the corners of her eyes with an old handkerchief, and raised her head.

He Qingquan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at He Jiajie with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "A person has a clan like the branches and leaves of a tree attached to each other, and the schools of water are connected. Trees without branches and leaves will wither; water without schools will dry up. People Without clan relatives, one will stand alone and be inseparable from each other."

"A person without the protection of a clan is like a duckweed without roots..."

It turned out to be a high-spirited talk.

"Boy Jie, we are of the same ancestor, and we are family members who watch over and help each other, so don't say those hurtful words..."

He Jiajie rolled his eyes silently.

At the behest of Old Han, the old Mrs. Dong on the other end cried out what happened to them. When she said that she was dizzy and dizzy from hunger, her eyes turned red with grievances. I have been old sisters for many years, and I haven't said anyone's fault for so many years, and I haven't blushed, it's okay to be a real sister..."

She glanced at the second lady quickly, and said, "Every year on your birthday, we leave the family affairs behind and come here early, in order to get together with the old sisters and talk happily. "

The old Mrs. Han nodded, and then sighed lowly, "We have been harmonious and happy for so many years, nothing like this has happened, but this year Mrs. Liu became the family, and we almost died of freezing and starving almost silently." die……"

The patriarch stopped nagging a long time ago, and the others didn't speak, so the room was relatively quiet, so the slightly deep voice of the old Han family was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

The second lady was furious.

This means that the Song family is good~
"Liu Shi, what's going on?"

The old lady felt ashamed and flustered. This idiot did not accomplish enough, but failed. To let someone grab such a big excuse and put it in her face, isn't this a slap in the face?
She was so pissed off!
"Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will report back slowly."

When it came to the matter of the inner house, the brothers He Jiayu and He Jiajie couldn't get involved any longer, they were all silent.

Moreover, I heard that the members of the old Han family had a day of hunger and cold, and their faces were a little dull, because their mothers were really capable of such things.

"People who are sick should eat a light diet and avoid fishy meat. This is the doctor's doctor's order. So I specifically confessed to the kitchen to cook porridge, but I was kind."

The second lady glanced at Old Han with a sneer, and raised her hand pretending to be careless, raised her fingers wearing long gold-embellished armor, and supported the red gold step with a peacock holding a bead on her head.

Although she didn't say anything else, she had disdain in her eyes and an arrogant posture, she made it clear that she didn't look down on them, and old Han and old Dong were so angry that their ribs hurt.

"You are talking nonsense! People who are sick should eat something good, so that they can get better!"

He Yuru didn't dare to shout, but her voice was not low, and she broke up with Liu Shi with full confidence.

The old Han suddenly felt something was wrong, and sure enough, the second young lady snorted and laughed, "The eldest girl is talking about your country people, right? You usually eat coarse grains and don't even have any oil in your stomach. Don't you want to eat something good, or I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it~"

(End of this chapter)

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